The Fans Hurt You

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The Fans Hurt You

Zayn- It was one of those rare moments when both you and Zayn had the same day off so you could spend it together. Normally you would just stay inside all day enjoying each others company, but Zayn insisted he take you shopping and spoil you. Even though you tried to object he still somehow managed to talk you into it. Holding hands you exited the car and walked into the mall…only to be bombarded by screaming girls coming at you both left and right. It made you more than a little nervous as you were completely surrounded no matter where you looked. Zayn was trying to defuse the situation explaining that you two just wanted a day together and asking if they could kindly leave you both alone. One fan got a little upset grabbing you by your hair yanking you to the ground causing you to get slightly trampled by everyone attempting to get that much closer to him. Angrily Zayn pushed everyone away from you before picking you up off the ground bridal style. “If you can’t respect my relationship with (Y/N) then you shouldn’t be a fan at all! I love her and if you hurt her, that is hurting me. No real fan would ever want to hurt one of us.” He scoffed carrying you out of the crowd kissing your forehead reassuringly.

Louis- As it always has been you knew that there was a ton of controversy over Larry shippers and those who shipped you and Lou together. Never had you been angry about it all, most of the time just laughing it off. That was until someone thought they would express their opinion in a less than civil way. “LARRY FOR LIFE! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE A GIANT FAKE BEARD! No one likes you, not even Louis. He is just with you to cover up how he truly feels about Harry, give up and kill yourself before Larry shippers do it for you!” They screamed. It wouldn’t have even phased you, if they didn’t have several others with them who were chanting the same thing. You weren’t going to cry, and you were trying not to even show that you were upset…but of course that was failing. Louis was frowning knowing that he wanted to say something but he didn’t want to make things worse. Pulling you into a tight embrace he buried his face in your neck, keeping you against him.

“Don’t listen to them, you are the one I love. They can say what they want but…They don’t know about us.” He said whispering in your ear quietly. “EVERYONE! NOW LISTEN TO ME! I LOVE (Y/N) EITHER ACCEPT IT OR DON’T COME NEAR ME WITH THAT BULLSHIT! WE DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT ANYMORE! Please respect us.” He said firmly as he lead you away from the crowd, keeping his arm around you, making sure you were close and protected.

Niall- Walking out of Nando’s you were just laughing and having a joyful conversation with your boyfriend of nine months. Not expecting it you walked right out into a crowd of screaming fans all pining for Niall’s attention at the same time. Being in large crowds always kind of freaked you out so you were staying as close to him as possible. It didn’t bother you that much when fans wanted some of Niall’s attention, at one time you were a fan too so you understood. Calmly you just kept taking deep breaths and squeezing his hand every once in a while. Amongst the commotion somehow a fan threw a package to Niall but instead of landing at his feet or in his arms like was anticipated it hit you tight in the head. Startling you stumbled back slightly grabbing your head feeling something warm and sticky, looking to your hand you saw your own blood. “Princess! Are you alright?!” Niall asked turning his attentions to you and only you. “We need to get you inside and get that taken care of!” He said worriedly before turning to address the crowd. “You crazy mofo’s! Don’t throw anything again! It’s dangerous you know! You’ll put someone’s eye out!” He said shaking his head disapprovingly before turning back taking you inside. Kissing your lips softly he held a towel to your forehead trying to clean you up the best he could.

Liam- This was your first official outing in public after announcing your relationship, so it made you a little nervous but happy at the same time. Liam always put you at such an ease when ever you were around him, it was incredible. Walking around the streets of New York just enjoying the city life and the sights because it was your first time there. A few random fans approached you guys now and then but it wasn’t a problem. Understanding that this might be their only chance to meet them you were more than glad to make their dream come true. It seemed everything was going perfectly, and unfortunately that is when things decided to go down hill. A group of fans that stopped you started making some really rude comments that would upset even the calmest person. “Liam is this your new girlfriend? Ewww gross, Danielle was so much better than this fugly bitch.” They started off by saying.. “Yeah I mean Dani was soooo much prettier than her! What are you thinking Liam? Even we would be better than her.” Another girl said scoffing. Choking back tears all you wanted to do was run away but Liam held you firmly at his side.

“Excuse me but I don’t think that you have the right to tell me who I need to be with, I am very happy with (Y/N) and if you don’t mind we need to spend the rest of our evening in peace without rude people like you.” Liam said seriously before walking away ignoring everyone else besides you for the rest of the night.

Harry- As in all relationships there had been good moments and bad moments but you and Harry worked through every issue with success. Sometimes it was hard when you couldn’t be together so you didn’t have that constant reminder of how much you loved each other. Visiting him when he was on tour, was lovely as you got to see the world and him at the same time…but it just wasn’t the same. Sitting in your empty flat it was easy to get lonely and turn to social media websites to gain some kind of outside communication. Tweeting back and forth with Harry just being cute with each other seemed to really cheer you up. Of course that was until you started looking through your replies seeing terrible things being said to you. Most of them were telling you that you weren’t good enough for Harry and that you never would be. Some even went so far telling you that you were worthless and you shouldn’t even be living. In your mind and heart you knew that not all Directioners were like this, you were one before you even meet Harry after all. It was hurtful, and you couldn’t believe the cruelness of some people. Sighing you started retweeting some of the more hurtful stuff, before shutting your computer lid. Flopping onto the bed you and Harry shared you started sobbing, hugging your pillow as tightly as you could before falling asleep out of exhaustion

The next morning you were awoken to warm strong arms pulling you into him. “Harry, what are you doing here?” You ask hugging him tightly almost crying out of happiness.

“I saw what they were saying about you, so I had to come home and prove them wrong. I love you, you are the most important person in my life right now. I don’t want you to listen to a thing they are saying, because I need you. I am going to remind you of that for the rest of our lives, starting today.” He said seriously placing a gentle kiss right on the tip of your nose, just to make you smile.


Posted by always-ashes

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