Interviewer Asks About You After The Break-Up

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 Interviewer Asks About You After The Break-Up

Zayn: He was so distant in the interview, physically he was there but his mind was elsewhere. It had been 2 months since your break up. “So which of you guys are single?” the interviewer said. 3 hands went up along with his, but not high enough. “Oh so now 4 of you are single,” the interviewer says laughing but Zayn just looks elsewhere trying to avoid eye contact with anyone even his band mates. He didn’t want anyone to see him broken much less crying.

Liam: He knew the question would come sooner or later, he tried his hardest not to sound broken but he couldn’t. “How are the girlfriends back home?” she asks Liam. “Actually we are….she’s fine,” he says looking down. He couldn’t admit that you were longer together, so he lied and hoped that you were doing good. The rest of the interview he was absent minded, thinking about you and how much he missed you already.

Harry: He was always charming during interviews, showing his cheeky smile that everyone loved. But since your break up a week ago, he looked sad, depressed, and would avoid talking about you. During the interview he would give fake smiles hoping it would avoid the dread question. Was he single or not? He looked at the boys hoping they would say something but what? “Yeah, Y/N and I decided to give each other some time off,” he finally answers.

Louis: It was strange that he was silent during the interview since he was so talkative, always answering questions and laughing. But after your break-up it seemed as if you took it all away when you left. “Louis, how does it feel to be single again?” the interviewer asks. He chuckled a little getting nervous afraid he would break down in front of everyone. “It’s good, yeah it’s strange to come home to an empty house, but yeah,” he says trying to finish as fast as he can.

Niall: Every now and then the boys would ask Niall if he was okay, after your break up the pubs became his new best friend. During the interview he looked tired, like he hadn’t slept in days, he never knew it would make him like that. He was like the baby of the group so when asked if he was single the boys to over for him. He looked over at them giving them a weak smile like if he was about to start crying. “You’ll get through this don’t worry,” Zayn whispered to him.


Posted by malikzapper

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