does he know?

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Published by ; bringthepaayne

Harry: your favourite band. He found out by accident. You had your earphones in and were blasting the music so loud he couldn't help but hear it. He remembered, of course he remembered. When he questioned you about it, you just laughed it off, saying that everyone under the sun liked that band. But you had blushed when you said it and Harry wondered if everyone else knew just how much you liked them. He even went so far as to ask your boyfriend if he knew. "Did you know she liked them?" he asked, sitting around your apartment one day, a few friends over, you just out of earshot. Your boyfriend just shrugged and when you came over, he pulled you aside, pulling something out of his pocket. He pushed you into the kitchen, handing whatever the something was to you and you gasped when you saw what it was. Concert tickets. Okay, but not just concert tickets: front row seats. "Are you insane!?" you shrieked, smacking him in the chest, a giant smile plastered to your face. "Harry!" He just laughed and shook his head. "You like them more than you let on, I can tell. Think of it like an early birthday present." You flung your arms around him, hugging him close, whispering 'thank you' in his ear. When you pulled away and started chattering o and on about how he would have to come with you, he felt his heart swell in his chest, knowing that he'd done something for you that no one else could.

Liam: the songs that you sing when you're all alone. "I got that summertime, summertime sadness!" Liam laughed when the door shut behind him. The day just wasn't complete without him coming home to you singing that damn song in the shower, your voice echoing through the flat like an angel. You carried on through the chorus and he slumped onto the couch, admittedly a little mesmerized by your voice. You kept singing as you got ready for the date you had that night with your boyfriend, and Liam just listened, half-asleep on the couch. He scared the crap out of you when you pranced down the hall in your heels and found him lying out on the couch. "Li!" you cried, almost tumbling backwards. "I didn't know you were home!" He just grinned sleepily up at you. "You have a lovely voice, love. And you look great." You did a little twirl and he felt that familiar lump in his throat. He loved you, but you loved someone else. You smiled at him and sauntered off towards the door, grabbing your coat and blowing him a kiss as you went. When you came through the door about an hour later, makeup smeared down your cheeks with tears and your heels dangling from your hand, he instantly ran over and crushed you into his chest. You sniffled and hugged him back, feeling your heart crawl into your throat when he sang in your ear, "I just wanted you to know, that, baby, you're the best."

Louis: the way that you dance. Your boyfriend was out of town, and Louis's thoughts were going a mile a minute and he knew that he really shouldn't do anything, but he couldn't help it. And, in his defense, you really weren't helping, with that tight red dress and those killer heels that make your legs look like they go on for miles. It was a quiet Friday night, so you decided to hit the club with a few friends, dragging Lou and his buddies along, too. It started out innocent enough, until one of your girlfriends broke out the body shots and you pulled Lou onto the dance floor, needing a change of scenery. Pretty soon, your whole party had joined you, and you were dancing away with your girls, moving your hips to the beat and trying not to fall over. Someone grabbed you and you turned, ready to punch out the creep who was trying to get ahold of you. When you saw it was Louis, you softened and draped your arms around his neck. "Does he know?" he asked, yelling in your ear. When you looked confused, he continued. "Does he know that you can dance like that?" Under the pulsing lights, you blushed. "You're so beautiful, love." You sort of melted into him, grinding your hips against his before you really knew what was happening, tipping your head back and laughing. The rest of the night flew by and when you woke up the next morning, your head was cloudy with booze and the goodnight kiss from Louis, your lips still tingling.

Niall: the way you change moods. You get mad, and so does he. Maybe that's why you two are so close, because you usually get pissed off about the same sorts of things. But the problem is that you know how to push each other's buttons. When you boyfriend leaves toothpaste smeared in the sink, or the toilet seat up, you get absolutely livid. And when Niall comes over one night, he decides he wants to get you really riled up, so he leaves the milk on the counter when he makes a coffee, leaves the toilet seat up when he goes to the bathroom, and leaves his coat in the middle of the hallway for you to trip over. You start the night out laughing till your sides hurt, and end it screaming your head off at Niall. "You know how I feel about this stuff, Niall!" Your red in the face and Niall wants to laugh, but he also really, really wants to kiss you. But he knows he can't do that. But he reaaaaally wants to. So he decides to risk it, and chases you into the kitchen, where you put the milk back in the fridge and grab the bottle of wine you keep in the fridge. When you pull your head out of the fridge and look at him, he kisses you, a simple, fleeting kiss pressed to your lips. He pulls back and you put your hand over your mouth, a little shocked. "Niall?" you croak out, incredibly confused. "Sorry," he mumbles, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. "Couldn't help meself, you just looked so pretty."

Zayn: your secret tattoo. He's had a not-so-secret-secret crush on you pretty much since the day he met you. There was just something about you that drew him in, and he just had to get to know you better. When he found out you had a boyfriend, he contemplated sleeping for three days and avoiding you for the rest of his life. But then you showed up on his doorstep with chips and movies, demanding to give him a "proper Disney education". And of course, he said yes. You spent the day on his couch, watching movies and swapping stories about mutual friends and each other. When you started shivering in just your t-shirt, he offered you a sweater, and you took it with a smile. You pulled it over your head, which caused your shirt to ride up, and Zayn caught sight of the flash on ink on your skin. "What is that?" he asked with a grin, pointing to the spot on your hip where the tattoo was. You blanched and pulled his sweater closer around you. "It's nothing. " He grinned, chewing his bottom lip. "Didn't look like nothing. Do you have a secret tattoo?" You sighed and pulled the sweater up again, showing him the design inked onto your hip. "I like it," he concluded after a second, still smiling at you. You smiled back, but then your face fell. "Don't tell him, okay?" He was confused for a second and then realized. "Your boyfriend? 'Course not." When you threw your arms around him, hugging him close, he knew he'd have you, eventually.

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