After christmas

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Posted by : bringthepaayne

Harry: so technically it's still christmas, but for you and him, it's all about cuddling, curled up under the covers, recounting your day and the little things that the other missed, like how your mum asked him at least three times if he was going to propose and how your sister told you that she couldn't wait until you guys got married and had kids and stuff. and you're laying beside him and you're spooning, Harry's burly arms wrapped around your middle, holding you into his chest, his chin tucked into the crook of your neck. "I just don't want to rush it, y'know?" he whispers, and you turn to look at him, a little confused. he sighs and starts to explain. "I want to spend every moment I can with you, love, but I want to savour it; I want to savour you. I love you, and I want to spend so many more christmases with you."

Liam: you're utterly exhausted, having had your family over for brunch and then Li's family over for dinner. you've been cooking all day and you're sure your hair smells like turkey and bacon, but you can't be bothered to care. Liam has been an absolute angel all day, taking care of your two-month-old son while you got everything ready, feeding him, changing his diapers, and putting him down for naps at the right times. you're half asleep on the couch and Liam's right next to you, your son asleep on his chest, tiny fists resting against his collarbones. you smile tiredly and reach over, taking Liam's hand in yours. "thank you, babe," you whisper, bringing his hand to your mouth and kissing his knuckles. "for what?" he asks with a grin. you almost laugh. "for everything. being the best husband and father I could ever hope for, for the best family in the world, for the best christmas ever."

Louis: he's chasing the kids around, getting them into bed, grabbing the girls up in his arms and tickling them till they're crying, throwing your son over his shoulder and tossing him on the bed. they've been hyper all day, full of anticipation for the presents from Santa and excitement for seeing their uncles and the fantastic dinner you and Harry prepared for everyone. you're cracking open the bottle of wine Zayn and Perrie gave you for christmas when Louis comes up behind you, lips at your ear and hands on your hips as you pour a generous glass for yourself. "the kids are fast asleep," he murmurs, kissing the spot below your ear. "might be time for you to get your last present." you tip your head back on his shoulder. "you're an angel, Lou," you reply, and he carries you off to the bedroom, the love and lust you felt for him when you first met still alive and burning.

Niall: you're back in Mullingar, visiting Niall's family, meeting some of his relatives for the first time, seeing others again. it's nice, to be surrounded by people who haven't seen you grow up for a change, having something to talk about, something to explain. you share the bed in Niall's room at the end of the night, both of you a little tipsy from the pints that Greg kept shuffling your way. you can't take your eyes off the bracelet Niall gave you, full of pretty charms and gems, a "N" for him dangling from it, along with a little four leaf clover that makes you smile. "is this for you, too?" you ask, giggling. he nods and pulls a chain out of his shirt, where a matching clover sits, close to his heart. "for when we're far apart, love," he whispers, kissing you softly. "if you miss me, or if I miss you, you just look at the charm and you call me and I'll make it better, I promise."

Zayn: you're passed out on his bed, Santa hat perched on your head, makeup smeared and christmas cookies on your breath. Zayn finds your breathtakingly adorable, sprawling across his sheets. he tucks himself around you, fitting his chin on the top of your head, slinging a leg over yours and pulling you into him, kissing your cheek. you stir and open your eyes, blinking groggily up at him. "didja have a good christmas, baby?" you ask, smiling at him sleepily. "the best," he says, kissing you once. "oh ya? why's that?" he shrugs halfheartedly, still grinning broadly at you. "cuz, I got my health, I got my family, best four friends a guy could ever need, a career. I'm set for life." you're almost disheartened that you don't make his list, but then he kisses you again, this time with more purpose. "and I got you, babe. and that's all I'll ever need. you and me, set for life."

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