First Kiss

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first kiss

Harry:it's dark. it's your second date (you would have kissed him on your first date but you felt like you were getting sick and didn't want to give him your cold) and you go to the movies, picking some indie film with a funny title and splitting a bag of popcorn with extra butter. the movie's alright, funny and kind of dumb with a heartfelt message that has you close to tears once or twice. you two sit in mostly silence, hands occasionally knocking against each other in the popcorn bag. when you've finished the popcorn, the bag is discarded on the floor and he reaches out with his hand towards yours, just brushing his knuckles against the back of your hand. he slips his fingers into yours, both of your hands a little greasy from the butter, but his actions are too sweet for you to care. you turn to look at him and his lips are inches from yours, buttery breath fanning across your cheek. his eyes are glued to your lips, eyelashes fluttering slightly in the dim light. "can I?" he asks, licking his top lip once. you just nod and he kisses you there in the movie theatre, the air around you dark, but your heart feels full of light.

Liam:it's sweet. you've been on a few dates with Liam, and you've had a blast on all of them. he took you to see an insanely funny movie, took you to a concert in the park, and you spent a day at a carnival with him. you've had thoughts of kissing him at least six times during each of the dates, but it just never felt right. anyway, you need a dress for your cousin's weeding and decide to go shopping one day and ask Liam to tag along, figuring it's a way to spend some time together that isn't strictly a date. he agrees and goes into all the shops with you, helping you with zippers and sashes, telling you what looks good and what doesn't. he even helps you find matching shoes for the dresses that you do like. you find a simple black dress with lace that you absolutely adore, and you know it's the one as soon as you try it on. you open the change room and he looks up. his jaw drops and he's in front of you instantly, his eyes raking over every part of you. "you look beautiful," he whispers. "well, you always look beautiful." he kisses you then, one hand on your cheek and one on your hip and you feel like a princess, your prince charming finally here to sweep you off your feet.

Louis:it's completely spontaneous. you and Louis have been friends for as long as you can remember. even when the band made it big and he was touring all over the world, he still made time for you, making sure to visit you when he was at home or flying you out to see a show for your birthday, getting you to hang around the band for a week so you could spend some time with him. it's made the two of you closer, and you can tell you're falling for the boy with the shaggy hair and ocean eyes. and now he's back for what you hope is longer than the last time. you head over to his house as soon as he texts you, saying he's home and settled and is dying to see you. he opens the door after you knock once and all but throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "you got more tattoos!" you cry, squeezing him tighter to you. "god, I missed you so much," he whispers, lifting your feet off the ground with the force of his embrace. you pull back a bit and suddenly his lips are on yours, hands tangling in your hair, scruff slightly rough against your cheek. "I'm sorry," he mutters when you break apart, both a little breathless. "I wasn't supposed to do that." your hand flies to your now slightly swollen lips and you have to laugh. "well, I'm certainly glad you did."

Niall:it's classic. after your first date at one of the more fancier restaurants in town, he walks you back to your apartment which is only a handful of blocks away, his warm hand wrapped in yours the entire time. you make small talk, pointing out your favourite coffee shop down the street, him telling you stories of his home in Ireland and how he'd love to take you there sometime. he's slow with you, making you feel comfortable, asking you more than once if it's okay to hold your hand. he wants you to like him, and you do. probably more than you'd care to admit after one date, but you do. he takes the time to walk you up to your door, feeling that sinking feeling in his heart that this is goodbye and he doesn't want it to be, but he doesn't want to be /that/ guy, so he watches you search for your keys. "I had a great time, Niall," you say, and before you can spit out a 'goodnight', he's got his lips on yours, a sweet kiss pressed briefly to your mouth. he pulls away a fraction of a second later. "was that okay?" he asks, going beet red. you have to resist the urge to laugh at his puppy-dog expression and kiss him again. "I don't know," you laugh, "wanna try it again?"

Zayn:it's rough. you're mad at him for something or another. you've been friends for just over a year and he needed a roommate, so you offered to help him out. something happened, something that seems completely ridiculous now, like you forgot to put the cap back on your toothpaste or he forgot to put the toilet seat down or one of you forgot to put the milk back in the fridge and you both kind of snapped on each other, but he called you a bad roommate and it just made you a little more mad than he thought it would and you ended up not speaking to him for a week. but you both like what's on tv at seven o'clock on a friday, so you both end up on the couch together, as far apart as physically possible. you watch the first segment in silence and when the commercials come on, he's the first to break. "Y/N, talk to me, please?" he pleads, scooting across the couch and putting his hand on your knee. you stare at it and he sighs. "please?" you shake your head. "Y/N, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to call you a bad roommate; it just sort of slipped out. I love living with you, I really do. even if you do leave the cap off your toothpaste sometimes." you look up at him and he leans in closer to you. "please, just talk to me." you press your forehead against his and then your lips on his. it's brief and sweet, but perfect. you pull away and he lets out a long breath, his hand squeezing your knee. "I'd rather kiss you," you laugh and he puts his mouth over yours again.


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