A Fan Is Being Rude To You

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Zayn: You tried to ignore all the mean comments some fans were telling you while you waited for Zayn outside of the coffee shop. “I don’t know why he left Perrie for her all she wants is his money,” a fan whispered loud enough for you to hear. “Yeah she’s just a fame whore,” another one said just as Zayn got to you. You gave Zayn a weak smile, you didn’t like what they were saying about you because it wasn’t true you loved Zayn for him not for his fame. “Just so you know she has her own job which pays her a decent amount of money and no she’s not with me because of fame,” Zayn said before walking off with his arm wrapped around you.”

Liam: Ever since you and Liam made you relationship public you were always getting hate. Fans accused you of being the reason Liam and Danielle broke up, and were always calling you names. Most times you managed to ignore them but as you and Liam made you way into the venue for sound check you both heard fans calling you names. “Danielle is way prettier than you just let Liam be happy with her,” one fan said causing Liam to walk over to her. “You wanna know something. I am happy with [Y/N], you have no right to compare her with anyone else. I’ve moved on, so let us me happy. Can you do that?” he said walking away.

Harry: It was 3 a.m. when you got a call from Harry telling you his flight had just landed. You got one of Harry’s old sweaters since it was a bit chilly and made your way to the airport. You waited patiently for his plane to land when a few fans approached you. You smiled at them while they just rolled their eyes at you and purposely bumped into you causing you to stumble back. Just then Harry came running towards you making sure you were okay. “Did they hurt you?” he asks. “I’m fine, just forget about them I’m glad you’re finally here with me.” As you and Harry both exited the airport he kept his eyes on the fans but most importantly on you.

Louis: You and Louis had been shopping when you accidentally bumped into two fans. “I’m sorry,” you said excusing yourself. As you began to walk away you couldn’t help but hear what they said about you. “Just look how slutty she looks,” one said looking you up and down. “Anything wrong [Y/N]?” Louis asked after you made your way to him. Just as you were about to answered him they walked over to you and said the same thing but this time in front of him. “Next time we go out we’ll make sure to check on you to see if what my girlfriend is wearing is okay according to you and your friend who know nothing about [Y/N]” Louis snapped at the fans.

Niall: Their eyes were watching your every move, and Niall noticed you were uncomfortable with all the fans staring at you. “I think it’s best we go home,” you sigh putting your fork down. “But we just got dessert babe,” he replies. As you were picking up your fork you overheard some fans talking about you. “Just look how much she’s eating, she’s gonna get fat and ugly.” Niall turned his head in their direction and excused himself. “I’d appreciate if you treated my girlfriend with more respect. She’s done nothing for you to treat her like that. She has never looked more beautiful than she does right now so kindly leave her alone yeah?”


Posted by : http://malikzapper.tumblr.com

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