You comfort him while he cries

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Liam : Liam walked into the flat and quickly went straight to the bedroom.  You got up there after him and he was laying face down on the bed.  ”Liam, what’s the matter?”  You asked as you got in the bed with him and rested your hand on his back.  ”Liam, look at me.”  You told him.  He flipped himself around so he was facing you.  You were shocked to see him crying.  ”It’s nothing, babe.”  He said as he wiped away the tears.  ”If you don’t want tell me whats wrong I understand, but don’t be ashamed to cry.  There’s nothing wrong with it.”  You stroked his hair.  ”I’ve just had a terrible day.  It’s been really stressful.  I think I’m just overworked and tired.”  He gave you a smile to let you know he’s okay but more tears ran from his eyes.  ”Perhaps I just need a good cry and a nap.”  He said.  ”Come here.”  You held your arms open.  The two of you curled up together as Liam let his tears out. Soon both of you were asleep.  You both woke the next morning and Liam was feeling much better.  ”I love you so much, (Y/N).”  He smiled.  ”I love you.”  You kissed his nose.  ”I think we should go on a little holiday.  Both of us could use it.” 

Zayn : "I sounded terrible."  Zayn said storming into his dressing room.  The boys had just finished performing at the Teen Choice Awards.  "Zayn, that’s not true.  It wasn’t your best, but it was still really good."  You sat down beside him.  "Did you hear me screw up my solo in What Makes You Beautiful?  I fucked it up so badly!"  Zayn burried his face in his hands.  You rested your hand on his back, "You’re your biggest critique.  The crowd was mad after you sang your part.  Everyone loved it."  Zayn picked his head up from his hands and hugged you.  His eyes were read and tears stained his cheeks.  He pulled you close and the two of you laid down and Zayn let out his frustrated tears.  "You’re perfect, babe."  You kissed him.  "I love you so much."  He smiled and wiped away his tears.  

Louis : You watched Louis get upset from backstage.  The boys were doing an interview and the interviewer was being such an ass towards Louis.  He kept accusing him of being gay and having actual feelings towards Harry.  At first it’d been a joke but he was taking it too far and directing it only at Lou.  He wouldn’t ease up no matter how many signs Louis and the other boys gave him.  Louis was growing increasingly angry and you were so tempted to run out there and hold him.   The interviewer cracked another joke at Louis and you could see the rage in Louis’ eyes.  You prayed he wouldn’t do something to make him look bad.  He needed to be the bigger person.  Louis’ eyes locked with yours.  You shot him a smile and a mouthed, “this guys a douchebag” he laughed a bit and nodded.  You knew Louis was going to handle it like a gentleman and not cause a fight.  But the interview just keep picking on him.  ”You’re telling me, you’re not gay?  Look at these fag outfits you wear!  Come on!” The interviewer laughed.  Louis clenched his fist and gave an angry smile.  Finally the interview was over and Louis got off stage as quickly as possible.  He headed for his dressing room and you followed.  ”It’s one thing when the fans say I’m gay, but this guy took it was too far!  That was humiliating!  He just kept going with it!  My voice, my hair, my clothes, everything about me, he just had to call it out and say something about it!”  Louis yelled.  You went and hugged him tight.  His head rested on your shoulder and when he pulled away he was crying.  ”Lou,”  You said as your eyes filled with tears.  It wasn’t fair what that guy had done.  Louis pulled you in for another hug and cried even more. “I shouldn’t let this get to me.” He laughed a bit after a good cry.  You were glad he laughed.  You smiled and kissed him.  He deepened the kiss.  Before you knew it, both of you out of breath and lying naked on the dressing room sofa.  ”Definitely not gay.”  You laughed as you breathed heavily.  ”That was incredible.”  You told him.  ”I love you.” He kissed you.

Niall : You were watching TV and Niall was on his computer.  ”Did you know 95% of girls wouldn’t care if I left One Direction?”  He said.   “The blonde one is ugly.”  He read out again.  ”Honestly, One Direction would be just as good with Niall.  He doesn’t do anything.”  You stopped him from reading out anymore, “Niall, what are you reading?”  ”Tweets.”  He said.  His voice was weak and it was clear his was fighting tears.  ”There are always going to be haters.  But if you left One Direction, so many fans would be devastated.  You’ve got an incredible voice, you’re a huge part of the band.  You know that.”  You turned the TV of and laid your head on his shoulder.  ”I barely get to sing.  I’m not as good as the other boys.  I’m not as attractive as them.” Tears ran down his face.  ”Niall, stop.  You know that isn’t true.  I love your voice so much.  And you are so fucking hot it’s not even funny.”  He laughed a bit.  ”I’ve got the best girlfriend out of One Direction, thats for sure.” He smiled and rested his head on yours.  ”I love you, Nialler.”  ”I love you, babe.”  Soon Niall’s tears completely stopped and you knew he was back to his normal self when he said, “Let’s go get some Nandos.”  

Harry : You laid in bed next to Harry.  Both of you were scrolling through twitter on your phone.  You looked over at him and saw a tear run down his face.  ”Babe, whats wrong?”  You asked putting your phone down.  Harry let out a fake laugh to try and play it off like he was fine, but more tears came running from his eyes.  You cuddled up closer next to him and wiped the tears from his eyes.  ”What is it, Harry?”  You asked again.  He turned his phone screen so you could see it.  On the Worldwide Trends list was a terrible trend, #killharrystyles,beside the hashtag were all these tweet about how his voice was shit and he was an asshole and he should just die.  You locked the screen and put his phone down.  ”Don’t read that stuff.  None of it is true, Harry, you know that.  These people don’t know you and they are just ignorant idiots.  If they are such terrible people that they would tweet something like that, they aren’t worth your time.  Just look at your interactions from fans, there are a lot more people who love you than people who don’t. Including me.  I love you.”  You leaned up and kissed him.  His arms wrapped tightly around you.  He was still crying.  ”It just hurts knowing people who don’t even know you want you to die.  I mean its trending worldwide.  A lot of people want me to die.”  ”The people that are saying these things are probably sitting at home on there ass with no friends, no job and no life.  Meanwhile you are successful and have millions of people who care about you.  Focus on that.”  Harry kissed your head, “Thank you, (Y/N).  I love you.”  You laid in Harry’s arms for a while as he just got out all his tears. Soon his breathing was heavy and he was asleep.  You picked up your phone and tweeted, ”@(y/t/n) : #iloveharrystyles”, soon that hashtag kicked #killharrystyles of the Worldwide Trends list :) 


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