Braiding your hair.

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Harry: "Agh!" He exclaimed as another strand of hair slipped through his fingers. "This is so dumb! What kind of hairstyle is this, anyway?" Harry dropped his hands back to his sides, grumbling something about how hair shouldn't look like baskets and you couldn't help but laugh. "You're just saying that because your hands are too obnoxiously large," you teased. "Clearly beyond your control. You can't even braid hair, for Pete's sake!" Harry frowned, crossing his arms over his chest as he played along, "Yeah, well I don't want to braid hair anyway! I like it better down and normal." You shrugged your shoulders, your fingers tangling through your hair to braid what he hadn't. Harry then moved to stand behind you, his hands gripping your hips, and pulled you closer to him. "'Sides," he murmured casually. "My 'obnoxiously large' hands are a better use for other things."

Liam: "You were so close, Liam!" You encouraged, giving him a nod. He sighed, taking the three stands of hair into his hands once again. You were sitting in front of him, his legs wrapped around your waist and your back resting against his chest. He had been trying to braid your hair originally out of boredom, but it had come to the point where he wouldn't allow himself to quit until he got it right. "Okay," he breathed out. "What is it again? Over and under or something?" You laughed, giving your head a brief shake. "Just make sure the left and right strands always go over the middle one. And try keeping them even, yeah?" He nodded, again letting out an exaggerated exhale. "I got this," he murmured to himself as his hands began moving, slowly but surely. A few minutes passed when he banded it together and smiled widely. "I did it!" You hadn't even glanced at the braid before you clapped along with him, internally glowing at how elated he got over something so minimal.

Louis: Quick to swat your helping hand away, Louis continued twisting and lacing the strands of hair. "I've got four sisters, remember?" You playfully rolled your eyes, tilting your head up to watch the look of concentration spread across his face. "I know what I'm doing," he continued. "This is going to be the best braid you've ever seen in your life!" You nodded your head in a mocking tone, sticking your tongue out at him when he sent you a playful glare. A good five minutes passed before he finally set his hands back at his sides, a tired sigh leaving his lips and a triumphant smile plastered across his face. His head gave you a quick nod of approval. "There!" He exclaimed proudly. You turned your head around and used the mirror in front of you to get a glimpse of what was supposed to be a braid, but your eyes instinctively widened at the horror. Laughing, you murmured, "I now understand why the girls never let you do their hair." Louis crossed his arms over his chest then with his eyebrows furrowed as he whined, "Heeey."

Niall: "Ow!" You exclaimed, your hand instinctively reaching up to grab your head. His blue eyes widened, his hands aimlessly grabbing at your face and then your hair and then your shoulders and back to your face. "I'm so sorry!" He sputtered, his right hand now resting over his mouth. "I didn't.. I mean, I wasn't.. I didn't know I pulled your hair! I'm sorry!" His words were beginning to jumble together as he staggered, "T-this is why I can't braid hair!" You chuckled at his panic-stricken face, your fingers still subconsciously rubbing your head. "It's okay, Niall, calm down," you murmured. "You pulled my hair, not cut my head off. It's not that big of a deal - really." Sliding your free hand into his, you tossed the mess of fingers randomly about before mumbling, "But lesson learned, I'm never letting you anywhere near my hair again." He pushed his bottom lip out then, his eyes widening like that of a begging puppy. "Not even before we go to sleep? Or when we're watching a movie? I can't run my fingers through your hair anymore?"

Zayn: "Stop moving your head," he commanded, letting out a frustrated huff. Your eyes peeled from the magazine in your hands to look up at him, the corners of your lips immediately tugging a smile across your face. He was carefully placing each strand of hair over the other, his hands gripping them tightly so they didn't slip through his fingers but delicately enough to not cause you any harm. His forehead was creased with concentration, his eyebrows pulled together and his tongue was even poking out of his mouth. "Silly Zayn," you murmured, again shaking your head at him. "No moving!" He quickly exclaimed, his hands frozen in position. A laugh simply rolled from your mouth. "What's so funny?" He inquired; he still had yet to carry on braiding. "You just look so concentrated," you mumbled with a lazy shrug. "It's cute." Zayn's body perked up then, a near cocky smirk spreading across his face as he murmured, "You're damn right I'm cute."


Posted by bcobear                    

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