Lest We Forget

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Louis: 1939. "I don’t want you to leave." She whispered, not meeting my eyes. I immediately dropped my bag, and she looked up at me unexpectedly like she didn’t think I’d hear her. "Y/N," I said, and she frowned and looked back down. I shifted in my uniform to give her a hug, I had just gotten it last week and it was shift as a board. Once she was in my arms, she buried her face into my neck and I felt her tears tickle down my shirt. "Don’t cry." I whispered, lifting my hand to smooth her hair. She pulled away from me and shook her head and crossed her arms. "I shouldn’t have even come, I… I can’t say goodbye to you, Louis." She said, making me frown. If only she had known how much it killed me. "We defeated the Germans once, we can do it again. I don’t think this war will last as long as the last one did. I’m going to be fine, Y/N." I reassured her, my hand reaching up to touch her cheek. I brushed away some tears with my thumb. "My father’s brother came home in a box last war! I can’t let that happen to you!" She suddenly exclaimed. I took her into my arms once again and pressed my forehead against hers. "It’s not going to happen." I whispered. She shook her head,"You don’t know that. For all I know you could not come back at all." She whispered. I pressed my lips to her cheek,"I will." I said firmly and she looked up a little to meet my eyes,"I will. For you." I said and then gave her a kiss. I didn’t had any time to deepen when the train horn sounded, I had to go. I pulled away and met her eyes,"I’ll see you soon." I said, picking up my bag. I turned towards the train and I didn’t even wait to hear her goodbyes. I didn’t want to hear her say goodbye, because if I did I knew I would start crying too. Once I got on I took a seat with a couple of my mates that enlisted. Harry walked up to me and pointed to a window,"Are you going to say goodbye to your girl?" He asked me. I shook my head,"It’s not goodbye." I said, taking my seat. He shrugged and went to the window with the other boys to wave off to their loved ones. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her; Y/N looking at the train but not at me and I knew I wouldn’t only fight for my country… but for her. 

Niall: 1917. The air was war too cold for an April day as I knocked on the door of Niall’s brother’s house. Even though I knew I wouldn’t find either of here, I still visited everyday. After three knocks, I heard a few cries of a small infant and then I silently cursed to myself knowing I probably woke Theo up. I smoothed my skirt as Denise opened the door. “Y/N.” She said, like she didn’t expect me to be there. I furrowed my brows,”What? Did something happen?” I asked, with some concern in my tone. She pursed her lips and then let me in. Once I reached the living room I found Niall sitting on the sofa with Theo in his arms. “What’s going on? Denise was shocked to see me and that never happens. Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in weeks, Niall. You missed your classes in school and your professor-” “I dropped out.” Niall suddenly said. I furrowed my brows, Niall and I had been friends since we were children and ever since I graduated high school he made a huge deal about going to the same college as me. “Why? I mean, if anything I know you expected me to drop out. That whole ‘a woman cannot teach, she can only marry’ lecture I endured from my parents you witnessed. Why did you drop out?” I asked. Niall then gave Theo to Denise and asked her to leave the room. I frowned, and almost felt like throwing a fit because nobody was giving me any answers. “You really do talk to much,” Niall noted as he walked over to me. I opened my mouth to protest but Niall stopped me by pressing his lips to mine. My first kiss. “Wha-” “Marry me.” Niall whispered. For the first moment in my life I didn’t know what to say. “I’m enlisting.” He finally explained. My whole heart shattered, but looking into his blue eyes, I knew I couldn’t do anything to change his mind. His brother was already fighting, and I knew ever since Greg left Niall felt guilty about not going with him. “Yes,” I said,”I’ll marry you.” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him softly. When I pulled away, Niall wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. He didn’t let go, and I didn’t want him to, and for a moment the silence was needed. Because I knew I would need to remember this moment when he was gone. 

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