He brings you flowers

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Published by: bringthepaayne

Harry: you're standing in the kitchen, nursing your first cup of coffee when you hear the front door open. "Hey babe," you call, flipping another page in the newspaper. You turn to see him in the doorway, hands behind his back and a mischievous grin. You try to catch a glimpse of what he's hiding, but he shifts so you can't see. "Whatcha got there, Haz?" you ask, and a moment later he pulls the most beautiful bouquet from behind his back, presenting them to you with a flourish and a bow.

Liam: this is it. This is the big day. In a few hours you'll be married and on your way to your happy ending. And it's with Liam and that makes you so inexplicably happy you can barely see straight. You've asked your bridal party for a moment alone in your dressing room, trying to talk yourself up to what's about to happen. You don't need convincing, you just need a moment. You fiddle with the makeup brushes on the counter and something catches your eye. You look up to see Liam standing behind you, your bridal bouquet in his hands.

Louis: you weren't mad at him. You were...annoyed. He was being a little unreasonable, but you knew you were too. It was over something silly, like you didn't put the cap back on the toothpaste and he didn't clean the dishes when it was his turn. Something stupid, but you were mad. But when you get home that day, the whole place smells like flowers. There are petals everywhere and candles are lit, giving everything a glow and he's standing there, an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry, love."

Niall: it's your third date with Niall, and nervous doesn't even begin to cover how you're feeling. You've been getting ready for the past hour, doing your makeup to perfection and curling your hair just so. He's taking to you to some fancy restaurant, promising one of the best nights of your life. Niall gets to your house a little early, and you're still searching for earrings when he knocks on the door. You open it and he's standing on the other side, a giant bouquet of roses in his hands and a beaming grin that makes your nerves melt away.

Zayn: you don't know what you mean to him, and it's confusing you. You've been friends for ages, but it's always seems like there was something more with him, something special. When you see him at a party, with some pretty girl hanging off his every word, it kind of hurts, though you think it shouldn't. He sees you there in the corner, and makes his way over to you, pulling a flower from the vase on the table and presenting it to you with a tiny smile. "I don't know why I didn't say this before, but it's you I want to be with. Just you."

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