Chapter 83: What You Deserve

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 I found Carrie and Dan still in Carrie's dressing room with Tom and Gi, and it looked like they were having some sort of intervention. Dan gave me a look as to say 'help me', and I shook my head.

"So I had a little chat with Lia..."

Dan ran a hand through his hair, and Carrie scoffed.

"Dan you have no clue what you're doing! I don't like intervening but...are you kidding me? I've never seen you more happy when you're with her. Why would you even do that to yourself?"

Dan shook his head. "Can you both stop? I don't need everyone telling me I've made one of the biggest mistakes of my life, okay? I know what I did."

I interrupted him quickly. "You can't only think of yourself, Dan. How would you feel if Lia left you because you couldn't give her babies? Maybe that's what it is! You think she's the one infertile because she got shot yet in fact it's probably you who is. And good riddance- we don't want any more dickheads on this planet."

Dan glared at me, before launching himself at me. I heard Carrie scream as my back hit the floor, and I felt a fist collide with my face.

"You dick!" Dan yelled at me, before he was quickly yanked off me by Carrie's brother. I jumped up and although I wouldn't see myself as a violent person, I swung my fist back, slamming it into Dan's face. 

"Fuck sake- guys!" Carrie yelled. "Get out. Now." She scolded Dan who shoved past me as he left the room, and Carrie walked up to me, examining my soon to be bruise. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll manage. What did you say to Dan?"

"Pretty much the obvious. He's making a mistake...he doesn't know what he's doing..."

"Have you spoke to Phil?"

"Yeah...he said he was going to make Dan and Lia their kid's god parents...but now it's just awkward."

"Dan didn't tell me why they broke up. He just said it wasn't working out."

"Well, I was there when they broke up. Pretty brutally awkward."

"Ouch, really?" I winced, and Carrie nodded. 

"Where's Lia?"

"She's gone to Jack and Finn's." I sat down and began messing with her makeup. "What the heck is all of this?"

"It's called stage makeup, idiot." Carrie smirked at me, and I chuckled.


I knocked on Jack's door, hoping they wouldn't mind if I crashed, and Finn opened the door, a wary look on his face.

"Is everything okay?"

I nodded. "Can...can I stay over?"

Finn nodded, pulling me to his bedroom where Jack was chilling on his sofa. He looked surprised to see me.

"Is everything alright?" I sat down next to him and nodded. 

"Drama llama." I muttered, and Jack wrapped his arm around me.

"Tomorrow you're having lunch with us and you're coming out with us on the night." Jack pulled out his phone and began texting a few people, and Finn went onto his iMac.

 "Lia, stop that." Finn laughed when I tweeted another funny GIF of him and Jack from my phone. I smirked. 

"Will you stop flirting? God, don't make this awkward for me." Jack chuckled, and I shook my head.

"Don't say that! I'm recovering from losing the love of my life here!" I pouted at them, and Finn spun round in his chair. I tried to repress the ache in my chest, but seeing Dan tonight just made things worse. Jack saw the look on my face, helpless.

"Well you can always win him over by making him jealous." He suggested, unsure of what to do. 

I shook my head. "That won't help."

"Considering Dan is a pretty protective guy who is madly in love with you? Course not." Finn smirked at me. 

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious?"

Jack shrugged. "Why not? We don't like seeing you so upset. You're like a sister to us." 

I smiled. "You two! My heart is melting."

"See? We can be lovely sometimes." Finn chuckled, and I rolled my eyes. 

"Considering you want me to continue to go after a guy who doesn't see a future with me and broke up with're not exactly helping."

"Fine, don't say the offer wasn't there." Jack patted my knee, before crossing his legs and smirking at his phone. A few seconds later my phone buzzed, and I looked at the screen. 

"Jack!" I groaned as a smiley wink face was tweeted to me. 

"I'm going to prove to you that I'm right." He grinned, 

I shrugged. "If it ends in pain, you'll be to blame."

"That rhymed!" Jack cheered, making me laugh.

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