Chapter 18: Text

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When I woke up I felt my stomach lurch again, and I grabbed a shirt, holding it to me to somewhat cover myself before I ran to the toilet and emptied my stomach contents....again. It was still early in the morning so I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash and headed back to bed. I saw the light in the corner of my phone meaning I had a text, and checked it.

Hey it's Crystal from last night! Fancy meeting up soon with your sister? - C

Sorry, I'm not feeling too good, but maybe another time :) - L

I then locked my phone and climbed into bed. Dan was sleeping peacefully, not having been woken up by me. 

A few hours later I found myself waking up to a prodding on my face, and I slapped whatever it was away. I heard a deep chuckle and felt my lips turning up at the corners.

"Dan, shush. Sleeping."

"Jess just woke me up to tell me some people are coming over. Who you met last night?"

I shook my head. "I told them I couldn't. Too ill."

"Ill?" Dan worried and I patted his face, my eyes still shut.

"I'm fine. Just....sleep." I felt Dan wiggle out of bed, and I opened an eye, smirking.

"Checking me out, are you?" Dan grinned at me as he pulled his boxers on. 

"Maybe." I giggled as he jumped back into the bed and began tickling me. "Dan!!" I cried out and he chuckled. I heard a door shut and female voices. I groaned. Not those girls again.

"Babe, I don't feel well." I pouted at him, and he gave me a worried look.

"Are you okay?"

"Well I was...ill again this morning."

"You should have woke me up." He kissed me softly and cuddled me. Someone knocked on the door. "Don't come in!"

"What are you doing?" Phil asked. "There are some...girls who want to meet you Lia." 

I sighed. "Okay, one second." I turned to Dan. "Stay here. I'll just apologise for not being able to talk." He nodded and smiled at me, and I grabbed one of his shirts and sneaked out of the door. I walked into the lounge where three girls stood. 

"Hey." I smiled and the girls beamed at me. "Sorry, I've not been feeling too well, Dan might take me to the doctors or something." I put my hand on my stomach, and the girls chorused in 'awh's.

"And who is Dan?" Crystal asked politely and I shrugged.

"My boyfriend, Phil's friend."

"Ahh, well maybe we could meet up another time when you're better." Anna smiled warmly at me and Jess, and I nodded.

"I think I'm going to head back to bed now, thanks for coming." I waved and turned back to go to Dan's bedroom. Dan was tucked under the covers when I arrived, looking on his laptop. I climbed in next to him and sighed. 

"Do you want to go to the doctors?"

"I'll give it a few hours to see if I get better. I might have just had one too many drinks last night." I shuddered, mentally cancelling any plans to go out with those girls again. They were far too heavy weight for me.

This feels like a shorter chapter haha but please vote, comment or follow! ^_^ Twitter @zoeishere

I Chose You- A Danisnotonfire / Dan Howell FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now