In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2

By Claraandthedoctor

14.1K 1.6K 918

Jenna's been through the rough. She isn't coping very well these days and friends and family are struggling t... More

Author's Note.
Taxi's and Emergency's
Say Goodnight, Gracie
Dream or nightmare?
This is it then.
Mistakes and apologies
Editor in chief.
First edition.
Leave it.
Nighttime antics
The Morning After.
Speeches and poems
Unfinished business
Break ups
Bitch fights
I'm back.
Old arguments.
The club
Getting back together
Up to something
Going home
Park demands
Violent outburst
Found out
Mysterious dinner
Bad taco
Fresh air
First fights
What do friends do?
The Bet
The kiss
Home again
It's Christmas
New kid
Panic attack
Kissing around
4 Months
All the apologies
The leaflet
The trampoline
The bar
Stay here.
More weddings
Counting the days
Spa day
Boys boys boys
More secrets
Travel anxiety?
I dont know.
Parents, huh?
Back to school
New friends
Just one more
Signed books
Still lying
Party planning
Not okay
Hung up?
Secrets out?
Calm before the Storm.
The Storm.
After Storm
The letter
Late? Date?
Good idea
Happy Birthday
Great birthday
Christmas arrangements
Night bus
Home again
Christmas spirit?
Spa day, again?
Freak accident?
Full recovery?
Who's fault?
Loves her
There for you
Living arrangements
Hate him
Dealing with it
Full time
Telling truths
Not okay
What now?
Hospital pt.1
Hospital pt.2
New place
Room changes
Interviews and happiness
Back to the hospital
Finally good news
Deep Discussions
A & E
Up and Away
An announcement
Old ways
Lying and forgetting
Depression and Crying
Keep me sane
Not right
Boys in rooms
Baby steps
Getting to know everyone
Serious Newspaper
More drinks?
True story
Around in circles.
Mad? Drunk? Down?
Seek medical assistance
Road to recovery
Going home again.
Being ignored
Shocks and surprises.
All about you
One drink
No gifts
Last chapter?!


100 12 11
By Claraandthedoctor

"Jenna?" Richard whispered as we sat in the car park and I was frozen, unwilling to move. "Jenna you have to go in." He told me placing a hand on my leg as he turned the car off.

"I-I don't think I can." I mumbled looking across at him scared.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked. I wasn't sure, he wasn't my boyfriend but I sure as well didn't want to go in alone.

Slowly I nodded. "Would you mind?" I asked.

"I don't mind at all." Richard got out the car and came round to my door and opened it, taking my hand as I got out and then continuing to hold onto it as we walked inside.

Richard was being so sweet and lovely. If he didn't have a girlfriend I'd feel more comfortable but he did so it was a bit weird.

"Rachel?" I mumbled seeing her standing in the waiting room of the emergency room.

"Jenna you're here." She said grabbing my arm. She never established any physical contact before now but suddenly we hugged quickly.

"Well, w-what's wrong with them? Where's dad and violet?" I asked shaking still feeling Richard standing behind me carefully.

"I've been here since they were brought in and they're not letting me see either of them. I saw violet for about 5 minutes to calm her but that was about it." Rachel was calm but she had the time to calm herself down where as I was oblivious to what had happened and just told to get down here fast.

"What happened? I'm here now, you can tell me." I demanded as we sat down on the waiting room plastic, uncomfortable chairs.

"It was stupid. Your Dad went to take Violet out before the shops shut and I forced him to go instead of me because I was feeling tired. Then just as they were going down the road this absolute idiot pulled out on them and crashed into the side of the car. The cars a mess, I don't know what we'll do." Rachel explained to me.

"The car doesn't matter." I stated. "God I just hope their alright." I said turning to look at Richard and he took my hand quickly and squeezed it.

- - - - -

The Doctor came out and told us that Violet had just gone for a CT scan but we could go and see Dad. Richard waited in the area and just Rachel and I went.

"Hey." I smiled walking in to see my Dad sat up right on the bed, looking a lot better than I expected him to. Sure he had a cut or bump here and there but overall he was alright. I don't know what I was expecting to be honest, with me being in and out of hospital only a few months ago made me wonder really what it was like to be on the other side of things.

"Jenna? I can't believe you came all this way." Dad said as I leant over and kissed his cheek gently.

"I was away for the weekend with some frie-- people. I was only a 45 minute drive away. Plus I would of driven all this way for you no matter what." I stated as I shared the stool with Rachel as we sat down.

"Any news on Violet? She really shouldn't be alone." Dad asked.

"I went and sat with her just after Jenna got here. She was asleep but it was nice to see her. They said it would be best just one of us visit but she woke up and said hello to me and they've taken her off for a CT scan.

"How is she?" Dad asked panicked a little, which was what I was thinking because Rachel hadn't told me too much. Perhaps out of a little respect? I guess Maisie only died like 2 months ago, so it's reasonable.

"She's not well. She had what you had Jenna, a collapsed lung, she's got that tube in her lung whilst in drains for the next two days. She was a bit dozy when I saw her, just not aware what was happening and awfully tired." Rachel explained.

"Ill get the Doctor's to keep me updated for now, but I'm just waiting on some blood tests to come back and then I'm free to go." Dad explained.

- - - - -

"You ready for this yeah Jen?" Richard said holding both my hands as we stood outside Violets room. I was seriously nervous and physically shaking so badly. Richard was being absolutely great and agreed to come in with me in case I just broke down for no reason.

"I'm ready." I smiled gently as we walked in. "Hey V." I smiled widely to make sure she knew I wasn't upset or anything. Rachel was right she was quite groggy.

"Jenna." She squealed seeing me.

"Hey, little one. What's up?" I laughed sitting beside her bed and holding her hand, that is the one that wasn't bandaged up in a cast.

"I broke my wrist but- but mummy says all my friends from school can write and draw on it, so it's okay." She smiled up at me but she looked rough and tired and ill. I felt so extremely bad for her. I was in almost the same position a few months ago.

The chest drain was disgustingly uncomfortable for me, a 17 year old, let alone a 4 year old having that much discomfort. "How's this doing?" I asked pointing to the tube.

"It feels funny." She went to touch it but I stopped her.

"No, no. Try not to touch it." I warned her grabbing her hand and moving it away from the tube sticking out of the side of her chest. Apparently she freaked out when she woke up with it in so Rachel was called in to talk to her and tell her why it's there.

"It'll gone soon, I promise." I smiled at her. "I know it hurts and I know it feels weird but it's helping you to breath for now." I told her quite happily. Richard was still with me standing behind me and Violet noticed him too.

"Where's Maisie?" Violet suddenly burst out saying which was not what I was expecting at all. She must have seen us together and just put two and two together knowing she held Maisie not all that long ago.

I thought Dad and Rachel told them what had happened so I didn't have to. I thought she knew after all summer of me being home without Maisie would have made it clear to the 4 year old. But obviously I thought wrong.

"Well..." I breathed searching for Richard's hand beside me.

"Ah well Maisie isn't with us anymore." Richard interrupted.

"Why?" She hummed playfully.

"Well she wasn't very well when she was born. She couldn't breathe very well and we all know how important breathing is don't we?" Richard smiled bending down in front of her so she was now looking straight into his eyes.

"So you're not a mummy and daddy anymore?" Violet asked.

"No, Jenna is still Maisie's mummy and I'm still her daddy, its just she isn't around anymore." Richard put it carefully. I was on the verge of tears just hearing it all being said again around me.

"So is she dead?" Violet asked looking down sadly. My eyes widened at this point as I watched Richard nod at violet before returning to where he was stood before and wrapping his arms around me from behind as I sat on the stool.

"Jenna are you sad?" She asked. I nodded slightly. "I am too." She said slowly. I actually didn't cry for once which was flipping genius, and soon Violet changed the topic as she started to feel sad too. There wasn't much you can say to a 4 year old so we suddenly got onto the subject of TV and violet told me all about her favourite characters and how she'd been watching TV on mummy's Ipad. It took my mind of things as I saw Richard playing and chatting with Violet even when Rachel and Dad joined us later that day.

He was being so good to me. And her

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