Izuru Kamukura x Reader x Hajime Hinata - Childhood Friend

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You were tripping over every other step, cursing yourself all the way, when you stepped into the cafeteria and your wandering eyes caught someone else's.

Familiar red eyes met yours, and your own widened for a second before you looked away, searching for your favorite flavor of muffin.

Maybe that was one of my new classmates, you thought to yourself as you picked up the last (flavor) muffin and a (fruit).

Later that day, and you were sitting at lunch with some of your new classmates. They seemed friendly enough, though you couldn't help but be taken aback when you noticed that a certain pair were in your class with you. You recalled that Izuru was the one you must have locked eyes with that morning, and all of your nervousness came rushing back to you.

Hajime and Izuru, boys you hadn't seen since you were five or six, were sitting in class with you, both in the middle rows. You were in front, so you couldn't exactly twist and look back at them when you heard their names called.

Oh gosh, it's been years, you thought as you ate your food. What do I do? What do I say? Do they even remember me?

You recalled how you used to play with them and your cheeks pinkened. I hope they don't remember the huge crush I had on Hajime... geez, that'd be embarrassing.

Footsteps made you look up, and speak of the devil, Hajime was standing near your table with Izuru, a friendly look on his face.

"Hi, can we sit with you?" He asked.

"Sure," one of your classmates said.

He looked to you, and you nodded hesitantly, your cheeks going pink again.

He and Izuru sat down, Hajime at your right and Izuru at your left, and once they were situated, Hajime turned to you.

"My name is Hajime Hinata," he greeted, offering his hand. "Do you remember me?"

How could I not, you wanted to say, when you were the whole reason I chose to start cultivating my talent? How could I forget my first love?

Instead, you smiled and said, "Yeah, I remember you. And your brother Izuru, right?"

"Yes," Izuru spoke up from your other side. You turned to see him studying you with his intense crimson eyes. "I believe we briefly saw each other this morning."

You laughed nervously. "So we did."

"Well now that we've found each other again, we should keep in touch!" Hajime took your attention again as he pulled out his phone. "What's your number?"

The days turned to weeks, and slowly the trio's friendship was cultivated to about the same level that it had when they were younger. The three talked all the time, and slowly (y/n) found herself falling in love with Hajime again -- although jarringly, she found herself gaining a crush on his stoic twin as well.

Hajime found himself with a similar problem; as time passed and he got to know her again, he began to fall in love with the girl. But one night, he snuck a glance at Izuru's phone and realized that he also had a crush on her.

He was torn between his twin and his childhood friend. What do I do? Do I make a move? Do I let him make a move? Do we make her choose?

Izuru had fallen first, surprisingly.

It all started when you were discussing your talents. He had claimed himself an analyst, and you had said yours was the Ultimate Escapologist. Interestingly, you'd fidgeted when you said it. (y/n) always used to fiddle with her hands when she lied as children, he'd noted to himself.

Danganronpa x Reader OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin