Sakura Oogami x Sick!Reader - Tiny

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REQUESTED BY: angerybstrd

A/N: Upon request, some more Sakura fluff! But of course I'd be happy to write more for her anyway. Enjoy!


The fever was still wreaking havoc on your body as you shivered and shuddered under your blankets. Sakura had appointed herself your caretaker and had dutifully parked herself in a chair at your bedside, medication and water at the ready.

So far you'd been rather drowsy, spending most of your time asleep with a wet cloth at your forehead. Sometimes you called out in delirium, either for your mother or for Sakura, and she was there to gently lull you back to sleep.

The sight of your small form lying there mystified her. Ever so gently, she took one of your hands and held it in her own. You were so tiny compared to her, your fingers hardly reaching half the length of her own. They were so nimble, so easily breakable... you were a wonderful enigma that she thanked the gods every day for.

Even if your body was being burned from within with sickness, you were still adorable in your favorite pajamas and stuffed animal cuddled up with you. Your face held an unhealthy pallor and sweat beaded on your skin, but she was there to help you.

"Sa...kura," you mumbled, cracking your eyes open. Slowly you made eye-contact, and your lips stretched into a smile and your fingers weakly curled.

"How are you feeling?" She asked quietly, her face softening at your endearing look.

"I'm tired," you replied slowly, eyes going half-lidded. "...'n hungry. 'n sick."

"You are sick, (y/n)," she reminded.

"Oh yeah..." your eyes shut and your fingers curled around hers again. "Thanks for... bein' here," you mumbled as you drifted off again.

Gingerly, she pressed a kiss to your knuckles, the coolness of your hand a sharp contrast to your face. She smiled, closing her hand around yours.

"I'll always be here for you," she murmured, closing her own eyes. "Because I love you."


A/N: Short and sweet. I'm a sucker for sickfic fluff y'all, it's so cute.

Please tell me what you thought, feel free to request, and I'll see you guys later!

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