Peko Pekoyama x GN!Reader - Movies

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REQUESTED BY: bukiswag

A/N: Here's a really cute one for everyone's favorite swordswoman!


When (y/n) asked their girlfriend for a date night, Peko didn't hesitate. They'd both been so busy lately that they were starting to miss each other.

The swordswoman had wished that she could spend more time with them, but things were getting heated with the mafia, and Fuyuhiko needed her. When she showed up one night with bags under her eyes and dead on her feet, though, he ordered her to take some time off with (y/n).

Thankfully, they agreed to reschedule the date night for tonight: staying in and watching a movie together with snacks. Since it was Peko's turn to pick the movie, she decided to pick a Disney title.

As the opening credits of Mulan began to play, (y/n) snuggled into her side, sighing in content as Peko situated the popcorn bowl in her lap. The chocolate and drinks were on the coffee table.

"Thanks for taking time away from Fuyuhiko to stay with me tonight," her partner whispered, resting their head on her shoulder.

"You know I love spending time with you," she replied, her eyes softening as she pet their head. "Are you feeling better?"

"Much better," they agreed with a smile.

Their hand brushed her cheek, and her eyelashes fluttered in response. Their touch was soothing, and she could already feel a lot of her prior stress melting away.

Peko leaned in and kissed them before Little Brother's barking made them give their attention back to the movie. (y/n) reached for the popcorn and took a handful, and the sounds of quiet munching soon filled the room as they both made their way through the snacks.


A/N: Mulan is my childhood y'all, I love that movie so damn much.

Please tell me what you thought, feel free to request more, and I'll see you guys later!

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