Kyoko Kirigiri x Reader x Kirumi Tojo - Unfriendly Rivalry

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"It's paint," she replied in distaste. "I accidentally got splattered by Angie while she was working."

"Oh, that sucks. Well, I need to stop by my room real quick and then I can help you out." You turned to Kyoko with a hopeful smile. "You don't mind me taking a minute to help, right?"

No, she wanted to say. Of course I mind. But this was (y/n), and Kyoko didn't want to give her rival any leverage.

"Sure, I'll be waiting," she agreed, her voice rather flat.

Her mood was soured all the way to your dorm room, dampened further by the smug look in Kirumi's eyes.

She wasn't that fond of swearing (finding it crude in most instances), but at that moment, the only word she could think of to describe the maid was Bitch.

Later in the week, and Kirumi was looking forward to laundry day. Usually you did your laundry on Saturday afternoons, wanting to get a leg up on everyone doing it on Sunday, and if she just so happened to synch up her schedule with yours, who was going to call her out on it? Besides, she enjoyed your company.

She hadn't really paid attention to much in the beginning, as she was still trying to adjust to Hope's Peak. But the day you ran into her in the laundry room with a basket full of dirty shirts, your entire demeanor joking and awkward, something endeared her to you. You were cute and quirky, laughing and joking about your clumsy nature (and how you just couldn't be trusted with spaghetti sauce). Sooner or later, she found herself falling for you.

And then with you, came Kyoko. At first, she was largely ambivalent to the detective. She always seemed to fall into the background, much like the majority of your classmates, but when she just kept popping up around you, she began to get annoyed. You were one of her first real friends outside of her class, and she didn't want Kyoko to take you away.

So she started doing laundry on these days on top of trying to get your attention during the week. This was the one time that she could really spend alone time with you without having to compete for it with everyone else.

She tapped her foot, readjusting the basket of clothes on her hip. Where were you?

Suddenly, you came stumbling into the room, your own basket of laundry in your arms. "Ah, sorry I'm late! I had a thing!"

"I don't mind," she offered a smile. "Are you alright? You're out of breath."

"Yeah, just-- just had to sprint," you explained with a laugh. "I ran into Kyoko on the way, said she wanted to get her laundry done too in advance for the exam this week, so she'll be joining us! Is that okay?"

Kirumi froze in the middle of picking up a paint-splattered apron. What? Why her? Of course I mind, she wanted to exclaim. But at the pleading look in your eyes, she faltered. She didn't want to make you upset and give Kyoko more leverage on her.

So she forced on a smile and nodded. "Of course. This is a public laundry space, after all."

The beaming smile you gave her lessened the sting of defeat just a little bit when Kyoko strolled into the room, a victorious gleam in her eye.

Exam week was finally over, and you had free time again! You flopped onto your bed with a happy sigh. "Geez... that was so totally brutal! I hope I got a good score."

Now you had more time to do things with your friends, and you fully planned on taking advantage of this. You'd been dying to have a gaming party with the others for a while now, and ever since Sayaka mentioned she'd gotten some rare items in New Horizons you'd been meaning to get together to swap clothing and recipes.

You sent a message to the group chat: "hey any1 wanna come 2 my room 4 acnh?"

Almost immediately, a response from Sayaka and Aoi: "yes!! be right there :3"

Then Sakura: "I'd be honored. I'll be there in a minute."

Some of the boys agreed too, and even Kyoko mentioned coming. You fist-pumped the air before shooting a message to Kirumi too.

Of course, it only took a moment for her to reply: "I'd love to."

You grabbed your Switch and started up the game, kicking your feet happily. They knew where your snack drawer was, and your mini-fridge had all the soda anyone could want (plus some water for Sakura and Kyoko).

Half an hour later, and your entire class (plus Kirumi) had gathered in your room. At least ten of you alone were perched on your bed, chattering and laughing at each other's islands. The others were sprawled out around the room, in beanbags or in chairs, or even sitting on your desk (Ishimaru scolded them, but you waved it off).

You bumped knees with Makoto playfully as you explored his island, not noticing Kyoko and Kirumi at either side of you, giving each other a death stare.

"So when are you gonna make a move?" He whispered to you over the noise.

"Hm? Notice what?" You asked distractedly, trying to catch a dragonfly.

"Notice how Kirigiri-chan and Tojo-san feel about you," he replied, raising a brow.

"What? They're my friends." You shook your head with a smile. "What is there to notice?"

"A... are you..." Makoto stared at you in disbelief. "Are you just obfuscating ignorance? You can't not notice."

You just smiled at him. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Behind you, the two girls glared at each other harder.

Makoto glanced back at them before looking back to you, looking vaguely worried. "Um... good luck, then."

"Thanks?" You tilted your head before going back to your game.

As if I needed any outside help, but thanks, Makoto. You hid a smile in your hand when you caught the dragonfly. I'm still waiting to see how long it takes them to notice.


A/N: Not so clueless after all, eh? I can see this 'rivalry' going on until (y/n) finally says "Hey I like you both, so please just kiss already!"

Anyways, please tell me what you thought, feel free to request more, and I'll see you guys later!

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