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"I can't believe I've been out of the underground for almost two weeks now!" Isabelle sighed, staring at the ceiling from her bed, smiling to herself.

Also laying on her back, y/n smiles at Isabelle's optimistic attitude and glances over at the girl.

"What's it like?" Y/n asked suddenly, confusing Isabelle as she turned to lay on her side and face the younger girl. "The underground I mean."

Isabelle sighed, thinking for a moment as she continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Well, it's bad down there." She started. "It's cold and dark, almost everyone has some type of illness because of the lack of sunlight, but hardly no one can afford to get a citizenship card to go above ground."

Y/n frowned as she listened to the girl's speaking, trying to imagine what it was like inside her head.

"It's a struggle to even try get food on the table, most people can barely scrounge enough to live. There's homeless people and crooks everywhere."

she threw her forearm over her eyes.

"It's awful. It's dirty and you can barely breathe, that's why Levi-bro has such an obsession with staying clean. He doesn't want to get sick because he knows he couldn't afford medicine."

Isabelle shifted in the bed slightly, laying on her side to face y/n with glassy eyes. The h/c haired girl had a frown etched into her face with furrowed eyebrows as they looked at each other.

"But..." Isabelle trailed off. "It was home. It's where I met Levi-bro and Furlan, it's where I grew up with my family. As much as I hate it, if I had the chance to re-do it all and choose my life, I would still go back there. Every time. Because it's lead me to where I am now, and I'm grateful for that."  

Y/n stared at the girl, eyebrows furrowed and a sad smile on her face, watching as Isabelle's eyes slightly watered before she covered them with her arm again, lip quivering slightly.

Sighing, y/n gets to her feet and leans down over the sorrowful girl. Isabelle pulls her arm away again at the feeling of the bed dipping as y/n leant her knee on the mattress.

A bright red tinge creeps its way onto Isabelle's cheeks as y/n smiles at her.
"I'll take over you and your friend's chores for today," she says, giving the girl a closed-eye grin before standing again and walking over to the door.
"Go hang out with your friends for the day. You better have fun though, do something meaningful while you have the chance."

Isabelle watches propped up on her elbows as y/n leaves the room, closing the door softly before her footsteps fade from range. It's silent for a moment before she grabs her pillow and pushes her face into it, squealing and kicking her legs.

Y/n huffed slightly as she reached the mess hall doors, feeling completely drained after doing the chore work that was meant to be for four people in the span of six hours. Six hours of running around cleaning and taking care of the horses.

Brushing her hair out of her face, she slaps her cheeks gently to wake herself up before pushing the door open and slipping in unnoticed, grabbing herself a tray from the counter top that divided the kitchen and the mess hall, greeting the cook happily as she thanked him before she turned to face the chaos that is the survey corps mess hall.

"Y/N!" The brunette woman screeched as she waved violently across the hall in order to get her attention.

Grinning and shaking her head at the flamboyant woman, she also took note of Erwin being slightly embarrassed by the stares they earned, though he still managed to sigh disapprovingly.

Weaving her way through the tables and cadets, y/n makes her way to the table with her two friends.

"Hey, Hange!" She greeted. "Hey, Erwin."

"Hello," Erwin greeted curtly, briefly glancing at her before looking to the sheet of paper that was on the table beside his food tray.

"Y/n!" Hange squealing lunging forward and grabbing y/n by the face, smooshing her cheeks together.

The h/c haired girl's eyes widened in surprise before she relaxed.

"What?" She said, words muffled by her squished lips, though there was a hint of amusement in her tone.

"Erwin just told me-"

"Our next expedition is in two weeks."Hange was cut off by the brooding blond man, his deep voice filling y/n's ears before Hange started to whine.

"AW!" She let go of y/n's face in order to flick Erwin's forehead. "I wanted to tell her!"

Y/n laughed slightly at Hange as she rubbed her sore face, but her laughter soon ceased as Erwin's words finally set in.

"Are we really going on an expedition already?" She asked. "Our last trip outside the walls was only three weeks ago."

Erwin sighed, reaching up to rub his temples.
"I know," he muttered. "But it's not my decision to make, the commander just asked me to relay the message to Hange and some other squad leaders."

Sighing, y/n turns to look at her plate, her food staring back at her as she picked up her spoon.

"Do the newbies have to go?" Hange asked Erwin, making y/n snap her head up, eyes darting between the two as she awaits his response.

"I'd assume so." Erwin shrugged, unbothered. "I don't see why they wouldn't be going."

"It's too soon!" Y/n interjected. "They wouldn't last five minutes out there!"

"Again," Erwin sighed. "It's not my decision, go talk to the commander if you have an issue."

"You're a squad leader!" Y/n yelled. "Don't have some sort of say in these things?!"

"What makes you think I would object anyway?" His eyes side eyed her, the brilliant blue of his irises glaring into her soul.

Y/n gasps at his sudden statement before she narrowed her eyes at him.
"You don't mean that."

"I do." Erwin countered. "Why would they get any special treatment? We make fresh cadets follow our schedule."

"They'd never even seen a above ground, before two weeks ago!"
Y/n yelled, standing to her feet from her seat at the bench by the table, pushing the wooden bench back with both Erwin and eight other cadets a considerable amount weight to push with just her legs. The loud scraping of the bench on stone gaining a lot of attention.

"They should be capable enough." Erwin said calmly. "And, even if they were to die, had they not joined they would have been sentenced to death anyway."

Y/n scowled at him, growling like an animal as she slammed her fist on the table, effectively gaining the attention of the entire room.

"YOU CANT LET THEM GO!" She screamed at him.

"Sit down," he scoffed. "You're making a scene."

"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" She hissed at him. "You can't send those three outside the walls already!"

"It isn't my decision."

"SPEAK UP ABOUT IT THEN!" Y/n grabbed the large man by the collar and brought him closer to her face, his shocked eyes staring into her angry ones.

Erwin narrowed his eyes and stood to full height, but y/n didn't let go on his collar and was brought a good few inches off the floor.

"Let go of me, y/n." His words were calm, but you could tell he was angry.

Scoffing, y/n let go roughly, pushing him slightly before she landed on her feet.

"Whatever, asshole," she spat. "But their blood will be on your hands."

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