🍋Syo x Male!Reader - I Can Do You Better🍋

Start from the beginning

"Agh--! You're more than you seem," she tried to keep her composure but his treatment had her spiralling, "ugh-- okay okay! I don't wanna cum yet, just-- quit for a second, will you?!"

Reluctantly, he obliged, and she stepped away to catch her breath. She gestured with the scissors, "Lose the pants will ya?"

He quickly tugged his boxers down and shivered in anticipation as she sank lower and lower to her knees in his lap. Her pussy gently kissed the top of his throbbing dick, and she bit her lip, crimson irises searching his face.

"If you touch me, I'm stabbing you," she threatened as she sank fully down onto him.

Both let out twin groans of delight, her inner walls clenching and squeezing him delightfully. The urge to grab her hips was so painfully prevalent, yet he held back as she began to bounce.

"You filthy freak," she spat, tracing his neck with the blade as he swallowed. "You like this too much, don't you! You like it when I hold my scissors up against you like this--" she aimed the tip of the metal for his jugular artery, and his breath stilled to accommodate for the prick of the item. "--fucking you, making you lose your mind -- I bet you wanna cum, don't you?"

"Yes," he breathed, his eyelids fluttering shut in ecstasy as she bounced. "Oh fuck-- Syo, please--"

"Naughty boys don't get to cum," she laughed, reaching down to squeeze his balls with her free hand. At his choked gasp, she grinned wider. "Remember, I'm here for me right now! You wanna get off, do a good enough job making me cum and maybe I'll watch you jerk it later!"

"Ooh, fuck," he whispered, biting the edge of his lip in that delicious way that made her heart stutter. "I'm a bad boy, Syo, I'm a real bad boy."

"You're a freaky boy," she agreed  in a growling voice, leaning in close to trace his Adam's apple with the blade. "One slip-up and I could just..." she put some pressure on his delicate skin, and he hissed at the feeling of it breaking. Not enough to seriously hurt, but enough to make small beads of blood bubble to the surface. Syo licked the crimson liquid from the blade with an ecstatic moan.

"Hurt me," he begged, crying out when she twisted her hips. "Please-- mark me!"

"Disgusting... I've never seen someone beg for my blades before," she leered with a cackle as the scissors descended to the side of his neck. As she sank them in, his low groan made her pussy clench. "Usually they beg me not to! Keheheheheh, perhaps you could be an exception~"

"G-- gonna cum, fuck, gonna cum..." he muttered, clenching his eyes shut and gritting his teeth. "Syo...!"

"Ah-ah-ah!" She yanked herself off his cock, making him whine. "Naughty boys don't get to cum, (m/n)."

He listlessly bucked his hips, trying to bring himself to release. His eyes found hers, pitifully begging. "Please, I'm so close...! I'll be a good boy,  I'll do whatever you want...!"

She giggled, reaching down to grip his dick tightly as she fiddled with her clit to keep the pressure building. As he shuddered, she whispered in his ear, "I~ said~ no~"

The heat of the moment was fading, and he found himself trembling from the cold tile floor. When she was satisfied that he wouldn't be coming any time soon, she sank back down, angling it to try and hit that perfect spot.

"A-- ah~" Her voice came out in a higher, almost Toko-like pitch, and for a moment he thought she'd reverted, but when she grinned at him, her eyes still held that crimson gleam. "Your dick is so good-- you're actually worth it! Heheh... I'm gonna cum soon, so get ready!"

After a few more pumps, she sank down balls-deep and cried, her walls squeezing tightly with her orgasm. Her body twitched and he broke out of his trance for a moment to steady her as she began to fall backwards.

His own orgasm was pending, his dick thick and painfully throbbing with desperation, but he held back as her lashes kissed her cheeks. Her lips parted and her nose scrunched up.

"Ah-- ACHOO!"

(m/n) barely dodged the spray as Syo gave a hearty sneeze and reverted back to Toko's meeker persona. He rubbed her back as she groaned, rubbing her nose with her sleeve.

"(m/n)...?" She muttered, blinking in confusion.

"You did good," he smiled warmly at her and it made her stomach flutter.

Her eyes caught sight of the slightly-bleeding lines on his neck and they widened, the girl shifting to try and get a better look. "Oh-- did she go too far?"

"No, she was great." He  encouraged, grunting when she leaned in close. "Uh, babe... you're kinda sitting on my dick."

"Huh?" She looked down and jumped up in surprise. "EEK! I-- I didn't know--!"

(m/n) laughed,  shaking his head as he got up off the floor. "Hey, hey, it was all consentual, remember? I thoroughly enjoyed getting fucked by a sexy serial killer."

His brows wiggled and Toko's face flushed red, and she giggled weakly.

"Would you... be down to do that again sometime? I-- I mean," she stuttered, reaching and grasping one braid and stroking it worriedly. "Syo-- kinda calms down once she..."

"Hey," his hand gently grasped her chin and angled it up to where their eyes met. He smiled again. "Whatever you want, darling. I'm down for whatever."

Her legs wobbled as she swooned, and her boyfriend panicked slightly as he caught her in his arms. "H-- hey!"


A/N: Hoo nelly, this was a little more challenging than I thought! Syo is easily one of the funniest characters in Danganronpa, that's for sure. I hope you enjoyed the kinky sex!

Please tell me what you thought, feel free to request more, and I'll see you guys later!

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