"Then just the 'I love you' one." I affirmed.

"I love you." He answered in the first language.

"No break up each word in to little pieces. It just comes through as the 'I love you' when you say it like that." I put my ear facing the direction of his mouth and framed my ears by cupping my hands to catch each piece of the sound.

"Sssssz. Er.ettt.le.K" he slowed the word down.

"Ssszerettleak" I repeated.

"Lek." he announciated.

"Sseretlek." I repeated

"The first part makes the "tsz" sound" he said pinching the corners of my mouth together between his two pale fingers. "But your pronunciation is comprehensible." He nodded releasing my mouth.

Vihar scrambled about the office. He jumped on the mostly empty shelves and skittered about much like the cat Ann had first brought when she joined the family. Maple hated that cat, I laughed to myself. She acted so supportive when Ann grieved it but I had never seen her so happy to dig a whole in my life.

She would have liked Vihar. Maybe not near her pottery but she would have liked him. The memory of the nightmare began to creep up in the back of my mind and I shook my head quickly as if to shake it out of my mind.

"Two more weeks till Vihars party." I said attempting to distracte myself from my thoughts. I watched the daredevil bound over the book cases. "Do you think we will have another family dinner before the event?"

A low growl of displeasure erupted from Cerastes chest and he flicked his tail in agitation.

"Ooooh it wasnt that bad, I thought It went pretty well. I think your father is starting to come around to me." I said with a pleased grin.

He scoffed. "What could possibly give you that idea?" He loomed over me.

"He invited me to eat at his table and he obviously loves Vihar. He didnt even scold me when Vihar acted up at the table." I listed off all the reasons I could think of, counting on my fingers.

He wiped his hand over his face he took a deep breath and launched onto his rant. "The high lord is not a misunderstood, doting grandfather, who adores his family... No. He's a beast. His greed is only eclipsed by his pride and the only things that are allowed to thrive are things that serve him. In his eyes, humans are food at worst and trained pets at best.

You had a seat at his table because you were Vihars seat.

He fed you because that food would become Vihars food.

He only loves what Vihar can do for him and his reputation." Cerastes placed his hand on both sides of me. "Dont waste your time wishing for the day you would have his approval because it wont come. Believe me. Tell me that you understand." He ordered.

I swallowed."I understand."  I said leaning away.

"Good." He said patting my head. He stood back up to his full height. "Time for Vihar to sleep. Vihar come!"

I slight squeal was released a moment before Vihar dive bombed Cerastes shoulder. He scratched and griped Cerastes shoulder untill he could sit comfortably there.

Vihars bed time routine was easy. Every night he climbs into bed on his own. He eats well and falls asleep on his tummy. If he had been a human baby I would have had to make sure he slept on his back so he wouldnt stop breathing in the night but for a dragon sleeping on wings could cause them to grow wrong and sleeping on your tail would be uncomfortable.

He was always a wild thing when he was awake but when he sleeps hes terribly sweet. His tiny snores are so cute I wish I could bottle them for later and his smell. I liked it so much I could lay next to him for an hour just breathing him In and rubbing my face on the soft hair on his head.

Cerastes said he remembered things from this age. Will Vihar remember this as well. Every bath, every meal, and all the words i spoke that he wont be able to understand.

"Husband?" I said quietly.

"Hmm." He grunted out.

"What was your mother like?" I asked.

He didnt respond. Was he already asleep or was the question to bothersome.

"She was a dragoness from the Desert clan."

"The same ones who sent that fabric mountain?" I asked thinking about the gift that had been in the first room.

"The same." He answered.

"Are you close with anyone from your mothers side of the family?" I became curious.

"No. In Desert clans mind the Green Mountain clan did not take proper care of their female. She was on a visit when she died."

"Wouldn't they have taken you since children are so precious?"

"She was unmated and on a visit. The rules are if the hatchling is male it will stay with the fathers clan, girls will go back to their mothers clan. If shes mated before the egg hatches all will live in the fathers clan and there names will be added to the family register. Of course the mating ceremony would have to be successful." He explained.

" That's were you went when Vihar was born." I remembered.

"Yes to add his name in the mountains heart." He agreed.

"For turning the lights up and the heating up the bath." I pointed at the ceiling.

"It does those things, but it's more than that. The mountain is a living being by carving our names into it we become part of it."

As if the mountain heard him speaking a tremor passed through the mountain I pulled Vihar to me and grabbed Cerastes.
"Is the mountain going to collapse? Maybe we should go outside!" I suggested.

"Its nothing, the Great Wyrm is burrowing. Lay down and go to sleep." He said pulling my wrist.

"What's a Great Wyrm?!?" I asked.

"Its a story for hatchlings." He patted.

I snorted at him and put Vihar back in the middle of the bed but I was suspicious of the ceiling. There wasn't a single crack but that didnt mean it couldnt collapse at any moment.

"Hey husband, what's the dragon mating ceremony like?" I asked.

"Two partners fly high into the sky the mate while falling. Provided they dont both die or seperate on the way down, the mating is valid." He said in an exhausted tone.

"Huh, neat. I think I still prefer bonding, less life threatening and heights. You know I still want to go outside soon, Vihars never been outside and it's been ages since I saw something other than the inside of a cave." I rambled on.

"Later, well go later." He yawned exposing his sharper back teeth.

"You mean it?" I asked.

"Mhh." He grunted back.

"Hey husband." I said.

"Whhat!?" He snapped.

"Ssszeretlek." I said quietly.

He didnt respond but I knew he could hear me. After a brief pause I heard a slight grumbling purr in response.
I knew he was pleased even when he didnt say it. Nothing can be kept secret between bonded pairs.

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