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270. Chapter 270 Become the Queen of the Emperor

      The world was quiet and silent, and the soft halo lighted up, like a pen dipped in color paint, gently swaying, paving a display of thick ink and heavy colors.

     Shui Yinxian's smiling eyebrows made people unable to see through his thoughts.

     The long hair draped over his shoulders, like the waves rolling, rose slightly with the breeze.

     He had already put on a golden robe at the moment, and it was no longer like Xue Luange was wearing nothing when he first saw him.

     "You expected me to come, didn't you?"

     Xue Luan Ge saw that he was smiling like a fox, knowing that he was definitely intentional.


     Shui Yinxian nodded, he did expect that she would come, but did not expect that she could see him.

     He had never seen her before, and he did not remember which tribe of the Hai tribe had such a peerless beauty.

     In his guess, she is likely to be a foreigner, mixed into the underwater city, must have a plot.

     It was just that she put on the sea tears and let the sea spirits in the water wake up and glow like a rainbow.

     Who is she?

     What is the purpose of coming here?

     If it's not the Hai people, how could it be possible to wear Shanghai Tears?

     His heart was full of doubts, but he did not show it.

     Xue Luange doesn't know that the water under her feet is used to test the strength of the blood of the Hai people, and the sea tears she wears are to test whether it is a thing of the Hai people.

     Only those who wear tears in Shanghai and wake up the sea soul can qualify as the bride of the sea emperor.

     This is the bride that Poseidon chose for him. His temperament is a little wild, but he doesn't feel annoying.

     He lived a quiet and peaceful life among the Hai people for too long, and he was the first to meet someone who made him feel fresh and exciting.

     "You know where the holy gate is, and there are keys to open it, right!"

     Thinking of his previous reply, Xue Luange couldn't help but want to punch him with a smile on his face.

     This is obviously the sea emperor, and seriously said that only the sea emperor knew where the gate of the Holy Realm was!

     If she knew his identity, she wouldn't have to go around in such a circle.

     "Of course I know! But why should I tell you?"

     Shui Yinxian reasonably said that the gate of the Holy Realm leads to their holy land, why should he tell outsiders?

     "Unless you become the queen of the emperor, then the emperor will tell you what you want to know!"

     He looked at Xue Luan Ge with great interest, and those smart eyes made him seem to see the whole galaxy.

     He is expensive as a sea emperor, but he also has to take care of the overall situation and stabilize his family.

     He hasn't been established, and he has no heirs. The major tribes of the Hai tribe have already disputed.

Gold Medal Doctor 2 (151-300)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin