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269. Chapter 269

      Xue Luange sat quietly in front of the water mirror, looking at herself in the mirror, a ray of confident smile floating in her lips.

     She didn't come to be a concubine. She only needed to find the gate of the Holy Land and lead to the Mirage.

     But first of all, she had to see the sea emperor and ask the location from his mouth.

     "You tell me who were the candidates this time?"

     She opened her mouth and asked the little maid Xiao Mo, wanting to understand the situation, so as not to be unprepared.

     "Most of the princesses who came to the election came from the powerful sea tribes, including the sea python, shark dragon, black turtle, sea dragon, dragon whale, ice armor, blood shark, sea monster, mad  The Mo tribe, the Lei Shui tribe, etc. are also made up of princesses of small tribes, such as the Conch tribe and the seaweed tribe. "

     Xiao Mai, the maid, replied and said that Xue Luan Ge was likely to be elected as the latter, so she naturally knew everything.

     "What kind of person is your sea emperor?"

     Xue Luan Ge explored, for the target person of her trip, naturally the better the better.

     "His Majesty the Sea Emperor is the most handsome man in the entire Hai nationality, and also the most powerful man in the entire Hai nationality. When the principal sees our majesty, he will love him at first sight."

     The maid Xiao Mo's eyes were full of admiration, but she was plain, and she was not a woman of the big tribe, and she was not qualified to be the concubine of Her Majesty the Sea Emperor.

     As long as you look at your majesty from afar, she feels that she is the happiest woman in the world.

     "Isn't that all the women who passed the assessment can see the sea emperor?"

     Seeing that Luan Ge had finished dressing up, it seemed that she would soon go to the inner hall.

     "Of course it's not that simple! Otherwise, all the sea women want to see His Majesty the Sea Emperor. Isn't this sea vault palace full?"

     Maid Xiao Mo shook her head. She had been on duty here for some years now, and she still knew the rules here.

     "Then how can we meet the sea emperor?"

     Xue Luange couldn't help but feel depressed, originally thought that he could easily achieve his goal through the first level, but I didn't expect there will be twists and turns.

     "The princess will know later! Every princess has to report to their tribe. I don't know which tribe the princess is from?"

     The maid Xiao Mo finished dressing up for Xue Luan Ge and needed to register the clan, but her name was known when she entered the inner hall.

     "I am from the Coral Race."

     Xue Luan Ge Hu Zou blind broke one, seeing that there are corals everywhere, there should also be corals.

     "It turned out to be a coral princess! No one from the coral family used to come. I didn't expect it to be such a genius, so it was so low-key."

     The maid Xiao Mo suddenly realized that after the registration, she took Xue Luan Ge into the inner hall.

     "Princess Coral!"

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