🍋 Nagito Komaeda x Reader - Dead Girl Walking 🍋

Start from the beginning

"Wait. Here's an option that I like." You grinned to yourself, grabbing ahold of the vines that crept up the walls. Komaeda's room...

"I'll spend these thirty hours getting fr-ea-ky!" You giggled maniacally, although you tried your best to be quiet, since you'd heard from Souda that the Ultimate Prefect, Ishimaru, lived right below Komaeda.

"I need it hard! I'm practically a dead girl walking!" You whispered, your grin - and your libido - growing with every inch you came further to his window. "Before they can punch my clock, I'll just snap off your window lock! Got no time to knock-"

When you slid the window open, you saw the outline of Komaeda's head shifting in the darkness. "-cause I'm a dead girl walking!"

When your unsteady feet hit his bedroom floor, he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"What- (y/n)-chan?" He questioned, staring at you in surprise. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Shhhh!" You shushed before you realized that the rooms were soundproof. You slid the window shut and sat down on his bed, right on his legs.

"Sorry, but I really had to wake you." You pressed a finger to his lips. "I've decided that I have to ride you until I break you. Junko says I've got to go, and you're my last meal on death row!"

"Wait- why are you rhyming-?"

"Shut your mouth, and lose those tighty-whities!" You giggled drunkenly and began to unbutton your shirt.

He flushed red, gaping at your body as you flung your shirt to the floor. You sat there in all your glory, clad in a (f/c) lacy bra. You began sliding your skirt down, much to his shock.

"Tonight I'm yours! I'm your dead girl walking!" You pushed his chest down and traced patterns. "Get on all fours! Kiss your dead girl walking!"

He was about to protest but you kissed him hard, tangling your fingers in his hair.

Once you broke away, you announced, "C'mon, let's go! You know the drill! I'm hot, I'm pissed, and-" you leaned in, grinning deviously, "-I'm on the pill."

"Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking!"

He nodded frantically, still dazed from the kiss. His hands went to your supple hips, gazing down at the matching (f/c) panties you wore in wonder.

Your eyes softened when you saw his excitement. He was practically a kid on Christmas.

"And you know," you continued, cupping his face with your hands and bringing his eyes up to meet yours, "it's cause you're beautiful. You say you feel numb inside, but I really can't agree."

He frowned, almost looking away, but you kept your grip and leaned in with a tender smile.

"So the world's unfair." You pointed carelessly at the window. "Let's just keep it locked outside. In here, it will be beautiful. C'mon, let's make this beautiful!"

"That works for me," he sighed in dazed pleasure before your lips met his again in a passionate, frustrated kiss.

You two worked quickly, ridding him of his boxers and you of your undergarments, and both were left gazing at each other's naked bodies.

Slowly, you sank down, and both of you groaned in ecstasy. You began moving, gyrating your hips, determined to make him scream.

It's your lucky night, Ultimate Luck, you thought with a breathy laugh.

"Yeeeeaaaaaaaah!" You shrieked enthusiastically as he hit a deep spot, and fireworks momentarily flew across your vision. "Full steam ahead! Take this dead girl walking!" You shouted in dizzy euphoria, raising an arm in the air like you were riding a bull.

"How'd you even find my dorm room?" He asked, mostly to himself, in confusion before shrugging off the question and grabbing your bare behind, guiding you up and down.

"Let's break the bed, friggin' rock this dead girl walking!" You felt like you were on top of the world right now, and the fact that you were having drunken sex with the boy you'd been crushing on for months totally slipped past your thoughts.

"I think we're messing up the bedframe!" He squeaked, struggling to his feet from his sitting position.

"No sleep tonight for you!" You sang, grabbing the bottle of water off his bedside table. "You'd better drink that water down!"

"Okay, okay." He nodded, locking your lips feverishly for a moment as he almost lost his footing, pressing your back into the wall.

"Get your fine ass in gear! Make this damn world disappear!" You exclaimed, slapping his ass, earning a slight yelp.

"Okay, okay!"

"Slap me! Pull my hair!" Your inhibitions melted away, and you weren't proud to admit that underneath, you were a closet masochist.

He began to yank roughly at your (h/c) locks, earning a drawn-out moan from your throat.

"Touch me there!" He grabbed your (c/s) breasts, "And there!" He pressed kisses to your collarbone as he groped your ass some more, "And there!" Puzzled, but compliant, he began lifting your leg by your thigh, able to hit deeper spots inside you that made you see stars.

"No more talking!" You threw your head back, barely missing the wall, as he cried out loudly with you. "Love this dead girl walking!"

He tried to move you two back toward the forgotten bed, and you two tumbled messily onto it. He lay you on your back, spreading your legs almost obscenely open.

"Yeah! Yeah!" You were practically weeping, almost raking your nails up and down his back you gripped so hard. "Yeah!"

"Ow!" He hissed as you did scratch him a little. "A-Ah-! (y/n), I'm-!"

"Yeah!" You screamed, hugging him tight as he finally orgasmed, shooting deep inside. He moaned loudly into your shoulder, a few tears hitting your skin as you began to kiss his hair in exhaustion, your drunkenness finally tiring you out.


A/N: Yay, you filthy sinners. It wasn't intended to rhyme, I just tried to incorporate the lyrics into the oneshot ;)

Again, if you do decide to do the sex, USE PROTECTION (unlike (y/n) and Komaeda).

Oh, and it was a slight AU? I guess? No Despair-Inducing Event, anyway.

Please tell me how I did, feel free to request (yes, even more lemons), and I'll see you guys hopefully in the daytime!

Danganronpa x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now