Henri Beaurel #1 (An American in Paris)

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 You never any visitors this late at night, so you're surprised when you're awoken by a loud rapping on your door.

 "Oh, for goodness sake." You get up and pull on your bathrobe, calling, "Who is it?"

 "It's Henri," you hear.

 Henri. Henri Beaurel? What would he be doing there so late at night?

 You finish tying your robe and answer the door. Henri is standing alone in the hall. He's all dressed up, like he's just come from a party, and he looks miserable.

 "Henri. What are you still doing out at this time?" you ask. "Aren't you supposed to be getting married tomorrow?"

 He shakes his head. "Not anymore. Might I...come in, please?"

 "Yes, of course." You step to the side and let him in. "Now, you just told me and that you and Lise could be married tomorrow. Are you postponing it?"

 "No. We aren't getting married, Y/N." He sinks down into the chair by the fireplace. "The engagement is off. It's all off."

 "Oh, Henri." You realize now what he means. "Did she leave you?"

 "No. She was too loyal for that. I let her go. She was in love with someone else, a painter named Jerry Mulligan. I knew him, too. Adam introduced us. I never would have thought..."

 You sit down in the other chair and take his hands in yours. "I'm sorry, Henri. I know how much you loved Lise."

 He shrugs. "I couldn't marry her knowing she was in love with another man. It would not have been right." He sighs. "I suppose I'll have to go on to America alone. But wait." He looks like he has an idea. "Y/N, you perform in music halls, too. Do you think it's possible you could come with me?"

 You raise your eyebrows. "You want me to go touring America with you?"

 "Yes, and why not? Well, if you wanted to, of course. You did express an interest in traveling."

 "Well, yes, I did, but this is very sudden, Henri. Are you sure you really want to go together?"

 "Y/N, I would much rather travel with a great friend like you," he says, "Than travel alone. Will you at least consider it?"

 "I'm not going to have enough time to consider," you answer. "By time I find out if I can, you'll probably be almost ready to leave."

 "Then let us find out," he cries, getting up from his chair. "There is no way they can say no! Beaurel and Y/L/N, the newest music hall sensation!"

 You smile. "Well, go get everything ready, then. I'll dress and pack and meet up with you at a more reasonable hour, yes?"

 He smiles back. "Yes, perfect. I'll be back."

 He hurries out the door, and you hurry back to your room. This has to be the most spur-of-the-moment thing you've ever planned for, but you'll get to travel, perform, and go them both with Henri. It sounds absolutely perfect.

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