Rosalie Hale #1

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 No matter how many times you try to Rosalie alone, it's extremely difficult. She's always with someone else from her group, or it's just her and Emmett. The sight of Emmett Cullen always makes you scowl. You know that deep down he isn't the one for Rosalie, but she seems to believe it with all of her heart.

 The day you finally get Rosalie alone, you are at the Cullens' house for a visit, and you happen to bump into Rosalie.

 "Hi, Y/N," she says. "I didn't know you were here."

 "I've been wanting to talk you," you blurt out, and you're immediately angry with yourself.

 She looks surprised. "Okay. What about?"

 "Um, can we sit down?"

 "Sure." The two of you go to the living room and sit down on the sofa.

 "What's going on?" she asks. "You seem pretty tense." 

 "Yeah, I guess I am. Rosalie, there's something I've wanted to talk to you about. It's about you and me."

 "I don't know what you mean."

 "I think you do," you say. "We've had a connection since the day we met. You've been avoiding me for a while because of that."

 "That is not true," she says firmly. "I'm always busy with my family, and you know that."

 "I'm sure there are times when you are, but we both know that's just an excuse. Rosalie," you take her hands in yours, "I have always felt something for you. And I know, deep down, however much you deny it, you feel something for me to. Why can't you just admit it?"

 "Y/N, you don't understand." You hear her voice tremble a little. "I'm happy here. I'm happy with Emmett. I can't take any risks." 

 You're about to protest when Carlisle comes into the room.

 "Is everything all right in here?" he asks, looking between the two of you.

 "Yes," Rosalie says quickly. "We're fine. Um, excuse me."

 You watch sadly as she quickly leaves the room, not even glancing back at you.

 "I know what you're thinking," Carlisle says to you. "Remember that it's her decision. If she wants to be with you, she'll choose that path."

 You know he's right, and you hope that Rosalie's choices will lead her to you somehow.

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