Vladimir + Stefan

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 You were adopted by the Cullen family when you were just a baby. They have been able to keep you a human your entire life without having to turn you into a vampire. They've successfully kept you a secret from the Volturi, and you grew up happy with your adopted family.

 But that all changes one summer day, while you're home during summer break. Carlisle comes to you, and tells you that the Volturi know that you exist.

 "What?" You jump up from your chair. "How? How do they knew I exist?"

 "Someone told them," Carlisle says, "But I don't know who."

 "Well...what do I do now?"

 "We're going to have to get an army together, just like we once did for Renesmee. You don't have to worry, Y/N." He pulls you into a hug. "The Volturi won't get to you. I won't let them."

 Carlisle is true to his word, and brings together everyone he knows who would be willing to help. But there are two vampires whom he realizes he's going to have to hunt down himself.

 "Stefan and Vladimir," he tells you, "The last remaining vampires of the Romanian coven. They would be willing to help stop the Volturi from succeeding in any of their plans. But we'll have to go to Romania to find them."

 You're excited about these plans; you've never to Romania before. Along with you and Carlisle, Bella also comes, and Elezear, who manages to track the Volturi down to an old castle buried deep in a forest. 

 "It's great, isn't it?" you say, staring in awe at the castle as the car pulls up.

 Bella smiles, knowing you have a fondness for things like old castles. "Yeah, it's cool."

 "Carlisle and I will go in and see if it is safe," Elezear says. "These aren't the vegan vampires you're used to, Y/N. You should both stay here until we know it's safe."

 After Carlisle and Elezear leave, you ask Bella, "So, these guys are the only ones left of the Romanian Coven. What happened to everyone else?"

 "They were all killed by the Volturi," Bella answers. "The Romanian Coven was the most powerful in the world, and the Volturi had to get them out of the way if they were going to take over."

 "That's terrible."

 She shrugs. "That's just how they operate."

 Her phone buzzes, and she pulls it out of her pocket. "It's Carlisle. He says it's okay to go in."

 You follow closely behind Bella into the castle. Carlisle and Elezear are standing with two other vampires, one blond and one brunet, both with red eyes. Looking closely at them, you actually think they're kind of good-looking. They both turn to look at you, and you instinctively react by hiding behind Bella, making everyone laugh.

 "It's all right, Y/N," Carlisle says with a smile. "No one here is going to hurt you. This is Y/N Cullen, my daughter. Y/N, this is-"

 "We can introduce ourselves to the young lady, Carlisle," the blond one interrupts, stepping forward. "I am Vladimir. Very nice to meet you."

 You smile. "You, too."

 "And I am Stefan." The other man steps up. "We would be very happy to assist in keeping you out of the Volturi's hands."

 "It would be an honor," Vladimir chimes in.

 As you get to know the two of them, they both turn out be very charming, and you find yourself growing more and more found of them.

 You would later find out that you are really a mate to both of them, a sort of replacement for the mates they lost. They begin to become members of the Cullen family, and the Romanian coven goes from two members to three happy ones.

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