Ron Weasley #1

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 You have been friends with Ron and Harry since your first year at Hogwarts together. They're obviously the best of friends, but sometimes it seems as if Ron is very insecure next to Harry. You know he wants to known for something besides being the younger brother of Bill, Charlie, Percy, and even Fred and George Weasley, as well as Harry Potter's best friend and sidekick. It's been hard for him to get out from under those shadows during his time at Hogwarts. You wish there was something you could do to boost his confidence.

 There is an evening when you're sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room together, trying to get some studying done. But it's hard for you to study when you constantly feel the urge to glance over at Ron, who seems to be having trouble concentrating himself.

 "You having trouble getting through this nonsense?" he eventually asks.

 "Definitely." You close your book. "Are you aware that Lavender Brown always seems to be staring at you?"

 "Is she?" He glances around the room.

 "Well, she's not here right now, but I've seen her around, just looking at you. I think she likes you."

 "Likes me? D'you think so?" 

 You shrug. "Seems like it. Do you like her?"

 He shrugs. "Dunno. We don't know each other all that well, honestly. I don't know why she would suddenly like me."

 "You're not used to girls liking you, are you?" you ask.

 He shakes his head. "Course not. All the girls are always going after Harry. Even Ginny used to be mad for him. No one seems to see much in me besides Harry Potter's best friend. But don't get me wrong, I love Harry; he's my best mate."

 "But it's hard sometimes," you finish.

 He nods. "Yeah."

 "Well, for it's worth," you say, "I think you're pretty great. We've known each other the whole time we've been at Hogwarts, and I've gotten to know you pretty well, Ron. You're not just a sidekick. You're a great person." You stand up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll be going to bed now."

 "Wait, Y/N." Ron grabs you by the hand. "Do you mean all that? I mean, about me being great?"

 "Of course I do," you answer. "I like to speak my mind."

 You love the feeling of your hand in Ron's, and you suddenly never want to let go. The two of you are staring at each other, each one of you waiting for the other to make a move.

 Eventually (it feels like centuries), you slip your hand from his. "Well, goodnight, Ron."

 He nods, still staring at you. "Yeah. G'night."

 You can feel him staring at you as you go up the stairs to the dormitories. You look back, and give him a smile. He smiles back at you, that smile you so love to see.

 It is in that moment that you decide if Lavender Brown does go after Ron, you'll kill her.

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