Raphael Santiago #2

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 You are sleeping soundly when someone begins to tug on the blanket.

 "Y/N. Wake up."

 You open your eyes. Raphael is standing there fully dressed.

 "What's going on?" you ask him. "Are we being attacked or something?"

 "No, it's not anything like that." He pauses. "Well, no one's attacking us yet, at least." He sits down on the edge of the bed. "You know things have been very stressful between the Downworlders and the Clave recently."

 "Aren't they always?" you ask. "Everyone knows the Clave are a bunch of lying bastards."

 "But things are getting way too out of hand this time. The Clave has lied too us too much this time. They don't actually have the Mortal Cup, or the sword, and Valentine Morgenstern is out on the loose."

 "So, they've basically done nothing."

 He nods. "Pretty much. All the Downworlders are meeting up to discuss plans. If the Clave is going to do nothing, we're going to have to do something ourselves."

 "Where is everyone meeting?" you ask.

 "I, Magnus Bane, and Luke Graymark are going to the Seelie court. It's not the best idea we've ever had, but we have to do something."

 "Then give me a few minutes to get dressed," you say, getting out of bed. "I'll come with you."

 "No," he says firmly. "Y/N, this is dangerous business. I have to go because I'm our leader. I'm only doing this because the Downworld could be in danger, for real this time."

 "Then let me help," you say.

 "You're not coming with me to the Seelie court." 

 He leaves the room before you can finish getting dressed. By the time you're ready, he's already gone, and you have no idea how to even get to the Seelie court. You're stuck here.

 When he comes back to the hotel later on, he apologizes to you for walking out on you like that, and explains that he's just been trying to think about everyone safe. You forgive him, of course, knowing it's true. You know he wouldn't get involved in these things if there wasn't any danger lurking, and you'll stand by him.

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