Fleur Delacour #1

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 You are sitting in the Great Hall, having your breakfast and minding your own business, when you hear someone ask, "Do you mind if I sit 'ere?" 

 You look up to see Fleur Delacour, of all people, standing over you.

 "What?" You blink. "Oh, yeah. Sure, go on."

 She flashes you a dazzling smile and takes a seat. "Thank you. I am Fleur. And you?"

 "Um, Y/N." Of course you know who she is. Fleur Delacour, the Beauxbatons champion in the Triwizard Tournament. It's honestly kind of hard not to notice her.

 All through the rest of breakfast, you try not to stare at her, but you can't help staring just a little. She's a bit of a chatterbox, you notice, but you doubt anyone's been paying attention to how much she talks.

 When breakfast is over, she gets up and says, "I suppose I will see you around ze castle, yes?"

 You nod. "Yeah, sure."

 You watch her leave, and wonder how the hell you had gained Fleur Delacour's attention,

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