The Dance (TdV Short Story)

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 The midnight ball had finally begun. Professor Abronsius and Alfred tried to blend in with the vampires as best they could, trying not to seem nervous. But that was difficult, because Alfred was afraid, and, though he wouldn't say so, the professor was also quite nervous. Even though they had knocked out two vampires and taken their clothes, they still felt incredibly out of place among the vampires in the ballroom.

 They both froze when they heard a booming voice from the staircase, and all the vampires stopped and looked up. It was Count von Krolock.

 "Welcome, bothers, in this hall," he said, "The last time we assembled, our meal was a simple peasant. Unfortunate, but I told you then: if one year is meagre, the next year shall be rich! We, who live forever, are consumed by the addiction for fresh blood. Have we ever enough?"

 "No, never!" the other vampires cried.

 "Every victim we feed on," the count continued, "Increases our spawn. Have we ever enough?"

 "No, never!" the other vampires cried again. "Nothing satisfies us! The greed will never cease!"

 "But I tell you to have hope! Like I predicted, a guest arrived, adorned and willing to devote herself to the darkness: a beauty with eyes of the night, an enchanted starchild, as tender as the wind, and ready for me, enchants our midnight ball! But she only belongs to me! Don't worry, I thought of you all," he added. "Since yesterday evening, there are, in my labyrinth-and destined for you-two mortals condemned to stay."

 The guest Count von Krolock spoke of came to the top of the stairs. It was Sarah Chagal, dressed all in red and wearing a smile on her face. She walked slowly down the stairs, smiling and staring in awe and wonder.

 When Sarah reached the bottom of the stairs, she took the count's hand, and he took her in his arms. He titled her head to the side so that her neck was bared, and, baring his fangs, bit her. While the other vampires laughed and cheered at this, Alfred fainted, and the professor caught him before he could hit the floor.

 Looking into each other's eyes, Sarah and the count began to sing together again: "Total eclipse, a sea of feelings with no land in sight! "

 Collapsing to the ground, she sang, "Once, I thought love would break the charm..."

 "Now love is about to break your world..."

 "Total eclipse, we are falling and nothing can hold us!"

 Sarah was brought back to her feet, and the dancing began. Alfred and the professor joined the dance as she began to weave through the dancers, taking everything in with more awe and wonder.

 "Sarah, it's me! I will rescue you!" Alfred whispered, but she didn't seem to hear him.

 Coming back together, Abronsius said to Alfred, "He bit her, but she is still alive."

 "Still alive?"


 They separated and joined the dance again. Soon, the professor was able to partner with Sarah, and he said to her, "A little blood transfusion, two or three days of rest, my child, and you will again be as fresh as a daisy!"

 Alfred came from the other side, and said, "Sarah, Venice. The palace, the sea, the gondola!"

 "We take her in our middle," the professor said to Alfred, "I count to three and we run to the door."

 They got hold of Sarah, and the trio moved to the back of the group and continued to dance. But everyone else had already stopped dancing, and they were noticed immediately.

 Turning to the other vampires with a wicked smile, Count von Krolock asked, "Are you ready?"

 Professor Abronsius counted: "One, two, three!" He began to move but Alfred and Sarah seemed frozen in place.

 "Suck them dry!" the count growled.

 Alfred ran, but came running back carrying a long candle holder. He charged at the vampires with it, but saw that they weren't afraid of him. In fact, they all laughed at him. But the professor also grabbed one, and together they formed a cross.

 They vampires and screamed and ran, which gave the trio their chance to escape, leaving a furious Count von Krolock behind.

 "In the name of hell," he said, "Of fire and of blood, follow them! Get them back!" he screamed at his servant Koukol.

 Obeying his master, Koukol ran to find the trio, who were already escaping into the night.

A/N: The video above is the full Tanzsaal scene. It includes English and German subtitles.

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