Clint Barton #1

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 Judging by how you've been doing with it in the last hour, you have the feeling archery is something that's going to take you a long time to catch on to.

 When you think about it, you figure it's probably your own fault, anyway. You wanted Clint to teach you archery. You had been watching for so long, and was amazed by the way he handled his own bow and arrow. But then again, you're usually caught up in how great Clint is.

 Now, during your archery lesson, he asks you, "You want to take a break?"

 "Not yet," you answer. "I want to keep trying this, and see if I can get it right."

 "No." He gently pries the bow from your grip. "Look, you have to let go of some of this stress you've got going on here. If you're all stressed out like that, you're not going to be able to concentrate. You can't concentrate, you perform badly, and I'll have to fail you for this lesson."

 You sigh. "I guess I can take a short break."

 "Good. Come on, just sit down for a few minutes." He hands you a water bottle and takes one for himself. "So, tell me, why did you want to learn to shoot an arrow? You honestly don't seem all that interested now that we've started."

 You shrug. "I don't know. I thought it looked cool, I guess."

 "You thought it looked cool. Well, I guess that's a good starting point. Any other reasons why?"

 " make it look cool, Clint. I've watched you with your bow and arrows, and I wanted to be able to do something like that. You just made it look that awesome."

 He nods. "Wow. That's...actually really flattering. The part about you watching me is a little weird, but the rest of it is flattering. And I think if I were a good teacher, I bestow upon you as much knowledge as possible, so why don't we get back to work?"

 This time, you hold up your bow and aim your arrow as carefully as possible.

 "Here." Clint places his hands over yours. "Just aim carefully, and concentrate."

 Concentrating is hard with his hands holding yours, but you do your best, and manage to hit the target.

 "Perfect," Clint says. "That's definitely the best one you've shot today."

 You give him a smile. "Thanks, Clint. I know I can't be the easiest student."

 Your hands are still touching, and you're staring into each other's eyes, your faces so close together. Without much thinking, you lean over and kiss him.

 After a few seconds, he pulls away and stares at you in surprise.

 "I think...class is over for the day," he says. "Keep working on that aim."

 As he walks off, you realize you've done the wrong thing. Clint is married; he's not available. Of course kissing him was a bad idea.

 You wonder is this is the end of archery classes.

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