Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny #1 (POTO)

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 You are always happy when your friend whenever Raoul comes to call on you and your family. Your family and his have been friends for years, so you happen to know him very well.

 You thought he was coming alone, as he usually does, or perhaps with his brother accompanying him. Instead, he brings a young lady this. It is a Miss Christine Daae, of the Opera Populaire. 

 You're surprised at this. You have never known Raoul to be in love before, and you had wondered if he ever would. But this young theater lady seems to have stolen his heart. She does seem to be a good young lady, with good intentions, but you know Raoul would never be allowed to marry a girl of her social status.

 When you have a moment alone, you ask Raoul, "Is this the Opera Populaire in which there have been stories of an Opera Ghost?"

 "Oh, yes. That is the one," he answers. "Christine was worried about it, very scared, saying she had an encounter with him. But I was able to calm her." He smiles. "She's wonderful, isn't she?"

 You nod. "Yes. Quite. Raoul, you are a Vicomte, and she is a theater girl. You do realize what this means, do you not?"


 "Raoul, you know you will never be allowed to marry her. She is an actress, and her father was a poor musician, however well-known he was. And this talk of an Opera Ghosts, and that Christine seems to know something about it? I don't like it, Raoul."

 His face falls. "But...I mean to propose to her. I want to marry her, Y/N. I love her."

 You shake your head. "That may not be enough. I'm sorry, Raoul, but the two of you may have to part ways."

 He springs up from his chair. "No. It can't be. I won't let it happen. I'll talk to my brother. I will make him understand. I will make an honorable woman out of Christine."

 You nod. "I know you're going to try, Raoul. You're just that sort of man."

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