Elsa #1

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 You've heard about being a new queen in Storybrooke, this time from someplace called Arendelle. You know quite a bit about the kingdoms in the other realms, but you've never heard of Arendelle, so you're assuming it must be pretty far away from anywhere you've ever travelled. 

 You've been doing some volunteer work at the police station lately, helping out Emma and David, since they're pretty much the only law enforcement in town. Of course, you guys don't usually have to worry about common criminals, but you're usually willing to lend a helping hand. That's where you meet this new queen who's arrived.

 You are in your usual spot, sorting out some paperwork when Emma comes with a blond woman you've never seen before and who certainly is not from anywhere nearby.

 "Hey, Y/N," Emma says. "Paperwork's not giving you too much trouble, is it?"

 "Uh, no. No, I'm handling it."

 She nods. "Okay, good. Uh, Elsa, this is Y/N. He/She works here. Y/N, Elsa. She's the queen of Arendelle, kingdom in one of the other realms."

 Elsa gives you a nod. "Hello, Y/N."

 "Uh, yeah," you say, staring at her. "Hi. Your Majesty."

 Emma's phone starts ringing. "I gotta take this. Wait here a minute, okay?" she says to Elsa, and walks off.

 "Uh, you can sit down if you want," you say, trying not to stare too much.

 Elsa shakes her head. "No, thank you. I'm fine. You can go back to your work. I'll just wait for Emma."

 "Actually," you say. "I was just finishing this up. Emma and her dad haven't told me much, but I know you're new around here. Welcome to Storybrooke."

 "Thank you. I think I do like it here a little." She sighs. "But I really would like to go back to Arendelle. There's just too much I have to do here first." 

 You sigh. "Troubles and homesickness. I've been there."

 "I'm not sure our situations are very similar."

 "You can try me. Whatever it is, it's bad enough that Emma and David are always running out of here like there's a fire." 

 She sighs. "It's my Aunt Ingrid. She's been causing trouble, and it's affecting Emma. She's trying to help me, though."

 "Well, that's Emma," you say. "Being the savior is a tough job, but she makes it look easy. I'm sure she'll be able to help you out."

 "Oh, she already is," Elsa says, "Very much. Do you help out, too?"

 "Well, I'm usually here, doing boring office stuff. Still waiting for the sheriffs to let me in on the action."

 "Elsa, we have to go," Emma says, coming back to the room. "You okay here, Y/N?"

 "Yeah, I'm good," you answer.

 "Okay, great. Come on."

 "It was nice meeting you, Y/N," Elsa says, giving you a small smile as Emma ushers her out.

 You sigh as you watch them go. You really need to talk to Emma about going out on cases with her more often.

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