Bella Swan #4

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 In the past, you tried to win the heart of Isabella Swan. In that same past, she rejected you, choosing to be with Edward Cullen, a fellow classmate, instead.

 You've never seen the appeal of Edward Cullen. Yes, he has that tall, handsome and mysterious thing going on, but you've never found him particularly attractive. And yet, many of the female students at the local high school seem to find something about him very attractive.

 You wish you knew what Edward did to win Bella's heart, because you have no idea how he even did it. Bella did make friends when she first arrived, you included, but she never seemed very interested in anyone, except Edward Cullen. When he's around, she seems to hardly care about anyone else, just him.

 So, to put it simply, everything about Edward Cullen frustrates you.

 For a while, you were scared to say anything to Bella about your feelings, fearing how she would react since she was with Edward. But after he and family moved away from Forks, you saw a golden opportunity to let her know how you feel. So, after about a month (you didn't want to do it right after her breakup), you went to see her and told her everything.

 She told you to leave, and that she didn't want to talk to you. That hurt more than almost anything else you had ever felt.

 You got the message and left Bella alone. And then the Cullens moved back to Forks, and you knew you had no chance.

 But then one afternoon, Bella comes to pay you a visit.

 You answer the door to find her standing on the doorstep.

 "Bella." You don't ever bother trying to hide your surprise.

 "Hi, Y/N."

 "Um, hi." You glance around to see if anyone else is with her, but it seems like she's alone. "What-what are you doing here?"

 "I wanted to come see you," she says. "I owe you an apology, and I should have given it to you months ago."


 "Yeah. You were just telling me how you felt, and I completely stomped all over you. I feel terrible for the way I reacted, and for ignoring you afterwards, and I'm sorry I did it."

 "Oh. Well...I'm okay now, so...apology accepted, I guess."

 She nods. "Okay. Great. The thing is, I'm not with Edward anymore."

 You raise your eyebrows. "Excuse me?" 

 "Yeah. I just...I can't be involved in his world anymore. I need to get away, at least for a little while."

 You don't know what she means by his 'world', but you say, "Well, if that's you feel, then you should act on it. No one's gonna judge you for that. So, what are you going to do now?"

 She shrugs. "I don't know. I'll figure it out. Um, anyway, I thought maybe I'd come apologize in person. It seemed kind of lame to do it over the phone. Um, I'll go, I'll get out of your hair. See you at school."

 "Uh, yeah, sure. Bel-"

 You were going to ask her if she wanted to stick around for dinner, but she's already gotten into her truck and turned on the engine. So, you close the door, smile to yourself, and mouth a Yes! now that Edward Cullen is apparently out the picture.

 It's progress, at least.

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