Emmet Cahill #1

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 You wake up one morning to the sound of music, literally. The sound of piano keys pulls you out of your sleep, and the voice accompanying brings you back into the real world. You look out the window to see it's morning.

 The music continues as you get up out of bed and begin to get ready for your day. A few times, you stop what you're doing just to listen. He's not usually up this early with the piano, so he must in a really musical mood. That, or he just couldn't sleep.

 Later on, you walk into the living room, coffee mug in hand. Emmet is still there at the piano, playing a different tune now.

 "You didn't not think I wouldn't wake up with all that noise going on, did you?" you ask him.

 "Oh, come on, Y/N, I know you don't really think it's just noise," he says. "You appreciate music just as much as I do."

 "Course I do, but to wake up to it this early in the morning?"

 He chuckles. "All right, I see you haven't had enough of that coffee yet. Why don't you come sit down for a bit, then?"

 You sit down next to him on the piano bench. "So, what's all this about, then? You being up at such ungodly hours like this?"

 "Wow, you really aren't a morning person, are you? I'm rehearsing, just to get a bit of a head start."

 "And you don't think any of the other guys will think of this?" you ask.

 He smiles. "Well, you don't see them up at ungodly hours to rehearse, do you?"

 You smile and sigh, and rest your head on his shoulder as he starts up another song.

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