An Invitation (TdV Short Story)

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A sequel to 'Going Forward' and 'Desire'


 Herbert grabbed onto the building and began to scale up the side, toward the room where Julie's singing was coming from. He was filled with a sudden overwhelming desire to see her face, to look into her eyes.

 Julie was still in the bath, washing herself with her sponge. She turned around when she heard a thump on the floor, and shrieked when she saw Herbert.

 "No, no," Herbert said, getting back up on his feet. "Please don't scream. I'm not here to hurt you, not at all. I simply wanted to see you."

 Julie jumped out of the bathtub and pulled her nightgown back on as quickly as she could. Herbert could hear her heartbeat and smell her blood, but he didn't want to bite her yet. He wanted her to like him first, and to have some trust in him. He had to wait until the right moment for that to happen.

 "What do you want?" Julie asked, looking at him with frightened eyes.

 "I simply wanted to visit you," Herbert answered. "And, if you will, I would certainly like you to visit me. Come to the castle. Here." He handed her a piece of paper. "It's a map. You should be able to get there without much trouble." He kissed her softly on the cheek. "I hope you will come, Julie."

 Herbert disappeared out the washroom window as suddenly as he had come. He then climbed up through her bedroom window. From within his cape, he produced a red rose, which he left on her pillow, and a red bundle, which he left on the floor next to the fireplace, where she would see it easily. Then he went out the window again and disappeared into the night.

 Julie watched Herbert go from the washroom window, wondering what she should do. She looked down at the map in her hand. It actually wasn't very hard to get to this castle he spoke of; it was the question of whether she should actually go. She didn't know who her Herbert was, and she didn't know anything about him. But something inside her was telling her to meet him there.

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