The Goldstein Sisters

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  You knock on the door to the Goldstein sisters' apartment, knowing they're usually home around this time. Queenie opens the door and gives you a smile.

 "Hello, Y/N," she says. "I guess you're here to see Tina?"

 You nod, knowing that Queenie can be observant in ways Tina isn't, and would have guessed your feelings without much effort.

 The apartment is lot up inside, and dinner is just about ready.

 "Tina, Y/N is here," Queenie says.

 The brunette sister is sitting at a desk, writing slowly, as if she wanted to take her time.

 "I think she's writing to him again," Queenie whispers.

 "You know, I can hear you, Queenie." Tina turns around in her chair and gives you a smile. "Hi, Y/N. What brings you by?"

 "Um, Queenie said it would be okay if I came by for dinner," you answer. "You...don't mind, do you?"

 "Of course not. Please, join us."

 During dinner, Queenie asks Tina, "Were you writing to Newt again?"

 "Newt Scamander?" you ask. "The one you keep mentioning?"

 Tina nods, and you notice a hint of pink in her cheeks. "He's all over the place, so I don't where exactly to send my letters. He did promise me he would send me a copy of his book when it's finished, but I don't know when that will be."

 "Oh, Tina, you have to be patient," Queenie says to her. "Newt just needs some time to finish his book. I'm sure he's going to send you a copy as soon as it's finished."

 After dinner, Tina goes back to her desk, and you join Queenie in the kitchen.

 "Did he promise her he would come back?" you ask.

 "She said he told her he would send her a copy of his book when it's ready," she replies. "I've had the feeling that when that time does come, he'll be delivering it in person. I saw what Tina and Newt have. He won't be away for very long."

 Before you leave, you say to Tina, "I hope I'll see you soon, Tina."

 She looks up at you. "Oh, we'll probably see each other around."

 You nod. "All right, then."

 Queenie walks you to the door, and whispers, "I know how you feel, Y/N. I wish there were something I could do, but I don't think I can talk her out of it."

 "Don't worry," you say. "I understand." And you depart with a somewhat deflated spirit.

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