Carlisle Cullen #2

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 It's evening now, about the time Carlisle is usually able to leave work and go home. But he won't be going home so soon tonight, because you're outside the hospital, waiting for him.

 "Hello, Carlisle," you greet him. "Nice evening, isn't it?"

 He sighs. "Not tonight, Y/N. I'm already running later than usual."

 "So? You're a vampire, Carlisle. This might come as news to you, but you're going to live forever. Which must have a little extra time on your hands, enough time to come with me."


 "Oh, come on, Carlisle. You've never complained before, have you? If fact, I think you like my company. I think," you lean close enough to whisper in his ear, "You like me a lot more than you let on."

 He jumps away from you and snaps, "Just leave me alone, Y/N."

 "Well, that's just the problem, isn't it?" you say. "I can't leave you alone."

 "Why not?"

 "Because you don't want me to. No matter how much your perfect little family, you love me, too. You just won't admit it, because you're afraid to admit you want something more than the perfect little family you already have."

 He stares at you as you speak, and you see something in his eyes change. His look changes from anger and distrust to desire. You cup his face in your hands and kiss him, and he kisses you back.


 "Are you really leaving so soon?" you ask. "I thought we were just beginning to have fun."

 "You know I can't stay for long," Carlisle replies as he pulls on his coat. "I've been long enough already, and my family will begin to worry about me if I'm gone much longer."

 "Then make up some story about how you were caught up at the hospital with a patient," you suggest. "They'll believe it, you know."

 "I'm serious, Y/N. I need to go home now."

 "Right." You sigh. "Because imagine the scandal it would cause for people to find out that the good Dr. Cullen was cheating on his pretty little wife."

 "Exactly. If they're going to find out from anyone, I want it to be from me. I'm sorry, Y/N, but I have to go."

 "All right, I get it." You give a kiss on the cheek. "Get home safely, my good doctor."

 You don't hate Carlisle's family, but they have tended to get on your nerves with the way he talks about them. You honestly wish they could just disappear; that would make things much less complicated. And you understand where Carlisle is coming from with this, because you know what it's like to have a family. They'll all be disappointed with him when they discover your relationship.

 Carlisle thinks he can continue to keep you a secret, but you know he'll realize it isn't going to work. He'll just have to deal with the fallout when it does.

Multi-Fandom ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora