Henry Mills #1

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 It's finally graduation day. You don't know whether to be happy or sad about graduating high school. True, high school could be rough, but know that it's over, your life is going to change completely.

 "So, high school's over," you say to Henry. "What now?"

 He shrugs. "I've been thinking about it."

 "Yeah." You know this is something Henry's began thinking heavily on as graduation began to get closer. "So, I'm probably going to Storybrooke College in the fall. It seems pretty good. What about you? You going, too?"

 He shrugs again. "Maybe. But...I have something else in mind now."

 "Oh. You still thinking about going to college somewhere else?"

 "No. I gave up on that. I would have had to lie about my whole life, and I don't want to do that. I have something else in mind."

 "Um, okay. Wh-what is it?"

 He leans closer and whispers, "I'm going to another realm."

 Your feel your eyes widen as you stare at him. "What, for real? But don't you need-"

 "A magic bean. And I have one. Look, college isn't right for me. I think I'm just meant for something else."

 "Mm-hmm." You nod. "So, college isn't your kind of adventure."

 "No, I don't think so," Henry replies. "I haven't told anyone else yet, but I'm going to, so please don't say anything."

 "Yeah, okay. Wait a minute. So, you're leaving. When are you going to be back?"

 He sighs. "I don't know. I guess I'll come back someday. but I don't know when I would."

 Both of you grow silent, realizing this could be your last genuine time together.

 "I, um, I should probably be going home," Henry says.

 "Yeah." You nod. "See you."

 Henry's leaving Storybrooke. It sounded bad enough when he was thinking about going to college somewhere else, but now he's planning on going to another realm entirely. You know you'll miss him more than you think you will when he goes. You've never felt close with anyone the way you feel close to Henry.

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