Desire (TdV Short Story)

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A sequel to 'Going Forward'


 It was her, that Julie girl. She was the one Herbert wanted, his new companion. He had already forgotten about Alfred, and didn't even remember him until his father brought it up.

 "I still cannot find them," Count von Krolock was saying. "I know they are somewhere out in the world; they cannot have disappeared completely. I must have Sarah back, and you can have that boy if you still want him."

 "Hmm?" Herbert was only half-listening, and hadn't quite followed everything his father said.

 "Alfred. The boy. The one that ran off with Sarah."

 "Ah, Alfred! Yes, I know who you mean. Now, what about him?"

 The count sighed. "Never mind. It isn't important."

 It didn't surprise Count von Krolock that his son had already forgotten about Alfred. Herbert could claim he was in love with someone one day, and then be in love with another person the next day. He could only wonder who had caught Herbert's fancy this time.

 After talking with his father, Herbert grabbed his cape and hurried down the castle steps to the front doors. He was going back to the village to look for Julie.

 Meanwhile, down at the Chagals' inn, Julie was getting ready to go to bed, and had been sitting by the window brushing her hair, but decided she wanted to have a bath first before bed. Placing her brush in the nightstand, she went to the kitchen and filled two buckets with water to bring back upstairs for the bath. She poured all the water in, and then opened the bathroom window to let the night air in.

 Julie went to back to her room to get her sponge, which was lying on her pillow, and then closed the bathroom door. She began singing to herself as she pulled off her nightgown and sunk into the bathwater.

 What she didn't know was that someone was listening to her song from the open window, someone hanging around outside the inn. Herbert von Krolock was enchanted by her voice, and he knew she was the one.

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