Pepper Potts #1

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 You have plans to spend time with your girlfriend Pepper tonight. You're glad to have an entire evening to hang together, given that you haven't had much time together lately.

 You knock on the door to her place, and smile when she answers.

 "Evening," you say, handing her the bouquet of flowers.

 "Oh, Y/N." She smiles and takes the flowers. "You're just the sweetest, you know that?"

 "I think it's sweet that you think I'm sweet," you reply, and give her a kiss on the cheek. "So, what do you want to do tonight? If you don't have any ideas, I'm sure I could think of something. Pepper?"

 Her smile disappears, and she puts down the flowers. "Y/N, I need to talk you about something. It's important."

 "Oh." Her sudden serious look makes your smile disappear as well. "What is it?"

 She hesitates to say anything, and doesn't look you in the eye.

 "I...I can't be with you anymore, Y/N," she says.

 "What-what are you talking about?" you ask, confused. "You're not...are you trying to break up with me?"

 "Y/N, this isn't any easy thing for me to do. You've been so great to me-"

 "Then why are you doing it?" you cut in. "If it isn't anything I've done, why are you breaking up with me?"

 "Because it actually is me, Y/N," she answers. "There's someone else."

 You stare at her. "Someone else? Since when?"

 She doesn't answer right away, and she doesn't have to. You quickly realize who it must be.

 "It's Stark, isn't it?" you ask her. "He's convinced you to get back together with him. Well? That's it, isn't it?"

 Pepper nods. "Yes. I still love him, Y/N. I can't just get over that."

 You turn away from her. "I should go. I-I have to go."

 You turn to leave, and Pepper doesn't try to stop you.

 You knew she wasn't entirely over Tony Stark when you started dating her, but you didn't think she would go back him, not when the two of you were so great together. And now you don't know what to do.

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