Leah Clearwater #1

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 You and Leah have known each other for most of your lives. You grew up side-by-side, and you have seen her go through happy times and heartbreak. Through it all, you've stuck with her, knowing she'll make it out on top in the end. 


 It has been a rough time for your pack in the last months. With the birth of Renesmee Cullen and the looming threat of the Volutri, the Quilete wolves have been pretty busy. But the Volturi are gone now, and the littlest Cullen is happy and healthy. You hope that now things can go back to normal.

 Leah has changed since the end of her relationship with Sam. She became bitter and withdrawn, angry at the fates for letting something like this happen.

 While the rest of the pack is hanging together nearby, you find her sitting by the water alone, and come to sit down next to her. "How you feeling?"

 She shrugs. "Fine, I guess."

 She doesn't say anything else, so you ask, "You giving me the silent treatment, too?"

 "No. Course not. I just...don't want to talk."

 "About anything? Or about them?" You gesture towards where Sam sits with Emily. "Still getting over it, huh?"

 She nods. "Still hurts to see them together. It probably sounds completely selfish, but I hate it. I...loved Sam."

 "Loved, as in past tense?" you ask. "Meaning you're getting over it?"

 "Yeah. I think I finally am." She sighs. "I've wished I could imprint on someone, just to have someone else to occupy me. I could be whatever they needed me to be; big sister, best friend, maybe even something more. I can't keep being just another girl."

 "Leah, you're not just another girl," you say, "Not to me. You should know you're so much more than that."

 Leah looks up at you. "You mean it?"

 You nod. "Of course I mean it."

 She lays her head against your shoulder. "Thank you, Y/N. You're the best."

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