Esme Cullen #1

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 If you were to describe your feelings for Esme Cullen, you wouldn't be sure what to say. There's so much depth and complexity to the love between the two of you that it would be too much for you to explain. The most important part of it, though, is that you do love each other.

 You know Esme has fallen for you, and you've certainly made it clear you love her. The problem is Esme's hesitation. She's been married to Carlisle Cullen for decades, and you wish you could show her how much there is in the world other than this little family she created for herself. That's what it is, you've realized; she's so attached to the idea of having her own little family that she's afraid to take the risk of truly being with you.


 You kiss Esme in greeting. "Still in secret, huh?"

 "Well, it's not that hard," she says. "No one suspects anything of me, and I don't think they will unless I start acting strange, which I haven't. I've been acting like my usual self as much as possible."
 "Well, your usual self is fantastic, so don't you worry." You kiss her again, and then look into her eyes. "Just run away with me already, Esme. We're in love, we're happy with each other. What else is there?"

 She looks away from you. "You don't get it, Y/N. They're my family. I can't abandon them."

 "You won't be abandoning them," you say. "You can see them whenever you want."

 "But Carlisle...we've been together for so long. I always thought he was my true mate, the one I was meant to be with. But then you came, and I realized I was wrong."

 "Esme, I know Carlisle. Yes, I'm pretty sure this will hurt him, but if he knows that I'm your true mate, he'll understand. That'll even give him the chance to find his real mate."

 "I don't know, Y/N," she says. "I need more time-"

 "You've said that every time I've brought this up."

 "I know, I know." She sighs. "This is the last time, I promise. I'm going to decide what to do. Give me a few more days to figure everything out, and then I'll come to you."

 You sigh. "Okay. But please, come soon. I miss you every time I can't see you." And you pull her in for another kiss.

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