Carlisle Cullen #1

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 You sit on the hospital bed, waiting for a doctor to come see you. It figures, you think, that you of all people would be the one to slip on the ice and hurt their wrist. You don't think it's broken, or you would be in a lot more pain than you are right now. It must be sprained, but you won't know until a doctor finally gets in here to see you.

 The doctor you've been waiting surprisingly comes in the form of a handsome young man. He smiles at you and says, "Hello, Ms./Mr. Y/L/N. I'm Dr. Cullen. So, what happened here?"

 ", I-I slipped on some ice," you say, staring at him, "And...I don't think it's broken, but it hurts. A lot."

 "Hmm. May I?" You hold out your wrist for him to examine, and you're surprised by how cold his fingers are.

 "Well, it's certainly not broken," he says. "I believe it is sprained, though."

 As he talks on, you're barely even paying attention. You find yourself merely staring into his eyes, which are a strange golden color.

 "You can go now, Ms./Mr. Y/L/N." 

 "Hmm?" You blink. Oh. Yeah. Thank you, Dr. Cullen."

 "You're welcome. Remember what I said and be careful with that wrist."

 Remember what he said? You think hard, but you can't seem to remember much of what he said. You were practically mooning over him the entire time.

 Well, at least you heard the 'be careful' part.

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