Victoria #1

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 Victoria was your love. Though she is gone now, you can still remember her so clearly. Her sauntering walk, her vivid red hair, that wicked smirk. It would probably sound strange to others, you think, but as long as they knew you loved her, it wouldn't matter. 

 You never liked James, not ever. You knew Victoria could do much better than him. When you tried to her, she wouldn't listen. She would insist James was indeed her mate and tell you to drop it. But you never did. You were constantly pointing it out to her, driving her mad. But she could never stay angry with you for long; the two of you were too attached to each other.

 When James got himself killed, you saw your opportunity. You thought that if you just tried hard enough, you could convince Victoria to see things your way, to believe that the two of you could truly have something. But instead, you soon realized just what she was planning. She wasn't interested in you. She was plotting to murder Isabella Swan, the girl whom she believed caused James' death.

 You knew perfectly well that James caused his death all on his own, and you saw no point in blaming a perfectly ordinary human girl. However, Victoria did not see it that way. She was hell-bent on killing the girl, even if she had to kill several other vampires to do so.

 "I cannot believe you are starting an army against the Cullens," you say to her. "They haven't done anything to us."

 "But they have," she says in a low voice. "They killed my James, and you know it. All because of a stupid human girl."

 "Why don't you just let it go, Victoria?" you ask. "James is gone, dead. Nothing you do is going to bring him back. There are others out there, people who are actually worthy of your love."

 She scoffed. "And I suppose you would be first in line."

 You shrug. "Well, at least I'm not a ruthless killer. The only I kill is when necessary. I don't play games like James did. I could love you, Victoria, if you'll love me back."

 She looks at you, and you think she could be considering it. But then she says, "You don't get it, Y/N. You'll never get it."

 You sigh. "No. I don't think I ever will. Good luck, Victoria."

 You walk out on her, away from her.

 You never thought it would be the last time you get a chance to tell her how you felt.


 Now you hang around the woods outside the Cullens' house. Now that the danger was gone, they were going full speed ahead with planning the wedding of Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen.

 You were angry with them. You still are, somewhere deep down. But in another part of you, you know they were only protecting themselves and each other when they killed Victoria. Looking at them now, you see what you once wanted, what you once thought you could have with Victoria: a family.

 You can't help envying them.

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