Clary Fray #5

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 Being a vampire, you spend your days indoors, waiting for the sun to come up.

 Unfortunately, the Hotel DuMort sometimes gets visits from pesky Shadowhunters. You hate those days, and in your opinion one Shadowhunter is just as bad as the next.

 However, you begin to rethink your opinions the day Clary Fray comes to the Hotel DuMort. 

 When Raphael goes to meet with the Shadowhunters who have arrived, you don't bother to join him. You know most of them already, and don't really care what they want this time. But you do tend to eavesdrop on people's conversations, whether by accident or on purpose. You begin to listen closer when you hear a female voice you've never heard before.

 You carefully look over while keeping yourself out of sight of the Shadowhunters. Talking to Raphael is a beautiful red-haired young woman you have never seen before. With her is that Jace Wayland boy, but you don't pay him any attention.

 After they leave, Raphael notices you watching from the hallway.

 "What is it?" he asks.

 "Who was that girl?" you ask.

 He seems to know what you're thinking, and says, "Don't even think about it. She's a Shadowhunter."

 "I just want to know her name, Raphael," you plead. "If you don't tell me, you know I'll just go try to find out for myself, and that could get me into trouble." 

 He sighs. "Her name is Clary Fray. She's a recent addition, but that doesn't mean she isn't like the rest of them."

 As he walks away, you start to think about her. Clary Fray. Something about her has intrigued you, and you don't know why.

 Perhaps this Clary girl will come around again soon, so you can have a real conversation with her.

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