Jace Wayland #1

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 Since Jace learned that Valentine Morgenstern is his real father, and Clary Fray is actually his sister, you've found yourself to be in a better mood. Jace and Clary can't be together, which means you still have a chance with him. 

 You've always liked Jace, ever since you began training as Shadowhunters together as kids. When Clary Fray appeared out of nowhere, it made you jealous to see how quickly he fell for her. You couldn't even bring yourself to hate Clary, as she is a truly kind person and was honestly clueless about her heritage. 

 It struck Jace hard when he discovered Valentine is his father, but you were secretly relived to hear that Clary is actually his sister. It meant that even though you didn't think Jace had romantic feelings for you, you weren't a lost cause.

 Today you find Jace roaming the halls of the Institute alone. You can tell from the look on his face that something is wrong, so you out a hand on his shoulder to stop him, and ask him, "What is it?"

 He sighs. "Valentine isn't my father. He told me the truth last night."

 "Not long after he told you he was your father? So, which one do you believe?"

 "I don't believe he's my father," he replied. "And that also means Clary isn't my sister."

 "Oh." Of course. "Does she know?"

 "No. I haven't told her yet. I'm not sure when I will."

 "Well, isn't that something you would want her to know?" you ask.

 He sighs again. "I guess so. But she's with Simon now, and they're so happy together. I would just cause damage."

 "I think it's something she should hear from you," you say. "She should hear it from you, Jace." 

 He nods. "You're right. You know, you usually are. I'll find the right time to tell her. Just...not today."

 "Right. You still need time to process." You pat him on the shoulder. "Come on. Walk with me." 

 Just when you thought your problems were over.

Multi-Fandom ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora