Inspector Javert #2 (Les Miserables, Sequel to #1)

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 You walk briskly down towards the harbor, hoping that this was the way he went. He disappeared after Jean Valjean got away again. You've been this way plenty of times before, so you know where you're going.

 You're relieved when you see him, still alive, standing by the edge of a bridge.

 "Here you are," you say, jogging towards him. "You know I've been looking for you? What are you doing up here?"

 He doesn't say anything. He keeps staring down at the water below.

 "Inspector?" You gently place your hand on his shoulder. "What is it?"

 He turns around and looks at you in surprise, as if realizing just now that you're here.

 "What are you doing here?" he asks sharply.

 "Looking for you. I wanted to make sure you weren't getting into any trouble. Instead, you're standing on a bridge. Why?"

 He turns away from you, and looks down. "I failed, Y/N. I tried to put him behind bars, and instead he saved my life. I...I don't know how I'm supposed to go on."

 "What do you mean, you-" you begin to say, and then you look down. "No. No, you are not jumping. You can't be serious."

 "I don't see another way," he says. "I just can't."

 "No, you're better than that. So, you lost one criminal. That's no reason to give yourself a death sentence."

 "You don't understand," he snaps. "If you had been doing this for as long as I, you would."

 You take a step back. "You're right. I suppose I don't. Doesn't mean I can't stop you from making a mistake like this. Step away, Inspector. Come on, don't make me scream for help. Someone will come running, and everyone will know what a coward you are."

 "What are you trying to do?" he asks. "Why are you trying to stop me?"

 "Because I know you, and I know if you were in your right mind, you wouldn't be doing this. Why don't you come with me, tell me what happened? Maybe there's still hope, yeah?"

 He turns around and looks at you again. He stares at you a few long seconds before stepping down from the ledge.

 "For tonight," he says. "I cannot promise you I won't be here another night, but I believe you. Come, I'll tell you what happened."

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