Kate Denali #1

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 "It's a nice evening," Kate says, sitting down next to you. "The sun's almost down now. Have you been watching it all this time?"

 You nod. "Yeah. It's really pretty. Come sit down. I'll join you inside when it's over, if you want."

 "That's okay." She sits down on the ground next to you. "I'd rather stay here with you."

 A few beats of silence pass by before Kate asks, "How have you been? You know, since we helped the Cullens with the Volturi problem."

 You shrug. "I've been fine."

 You wonder if she'll accept that for an answer. Neither of you have talked about Irina since her death-or murder, rather. It was some sort of unspoken code between you. Whenever she asks you if you're okay or how you've been, you know she's thinking of her lost sister while asking.

 "It's okay to talk about it, you know," Kate says. "I miss her, too. She was my sister."

 You loved Irina, and you've missed her sorely since she's been gone. You understand why she went to the Volturi about Renesmee Cullen, but you just wish she hadn't. You wish she were still here.

 But now you begin to think about Kate's loss as well. Irina was her sister, not biologically but they had lived as and treated each other as sisters. They knew each other and loved each other far longer than you knew either of them. Kate's loss has to be far worse than yours.

 "You know," you say, "I think I should be asking how you are. Irina was your sister. She was part of your coven. You all must miss her a lot more than me." 

 "It has been tough," she admitted. "But we're moving on, all of us. We need to."

 "Then I guess I should, too," you say. "The sun's gone down. You want to go back inside?"

 "All right." You both get up. "The others are inside, too. Maybe we can all just have some quiet time together."

 You nod. "That sounds good."

 She smiles. "Okay. Come on, then."

 You smile back and follow her into the house. Lately, you've begun to feel something for Kate, something that wasn't there before. It was a good feeling, and you can't wait to see where it will so next.

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