Harry Potter #2

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 You are part of the D.A. that has stuck together this year at Hogwarts, the year Harry's not there. You're not sure where he is, but you hope it's somewhere far away from Hogwarts. This isn't a safe place for Harry anymore, or the rest of you, for that matter.

 You all knew it would be dangerous to continue the D.A. with Snape as headmaster and the Carrows as your new teachers. You've known all the risks, but you're willing to take them, anyway. With Harry gone, you don't know whether or not he would want you to continue with the D.A., since it put all of you in serious danger, but for Harry's sake and for the sake of helping to defeat Voldemort, you're all in.

 There is much rejoicing among everyone when Harry, Ron and Hermione manage to sneak into Hogwarts one spring night. You yourself are just delighted to see Harry alive and well. When you realize he's looking for Ravenclaw's lost diadem, you're glad you already know a little on the subject, you know the Ravenclaw common room would be a good place to start looking. Ginny suggests that Luna go with Harry, which disappoints you a little. You would have liked to have some time with Harry.


 It is the next day. It's all done and over with. Harry actually defeated Voldemort. You've always had faith in Harry, but you also can't believe the day actually came, after all these horrible months at Hogwarts.

 As everything is settling down, you and Harry just happen to run into each other. You're surprised to see he's alone for once.

 "Hi, Harry," you say, not sure what else to say after yesterday.

 "Y/N. Hi. Are you all right?"

 "Surprisingly, yeah. I am. Just a few cuts and bruises. I think I'm one of the lucky ones."

 The two of you stand there sort of awkwardly for a moment, just looking at each other.

 "So," you say. "You defeated Voldemort. That's got to feel good."

 "Yeah. Yeah, it does, I guess. I just...I wish it didn't have to come at such a high price."

 You nod. "Yeah. I get that."

 He nods. "Yeah. Um, I should...probably go."

 "Oh. Sure." You step aside and let him continue on his way. But before he can get too far, you say, "Harry?"

 He turns around. "Yeah?"

 You run to him and hug him, like you wanted to do.

 "I'm glad you're all right," you say.

 "Yeah," he says, and hugs you back. "Are you sure you're all right?"

 "I'm fine," you say. "You go do whatever you have to do, Mr. Hero. I'll be around. I should go check in with friends, anyway. I was always rooting."

 He smiles a little. "Thanks, Y/N."

 You give him a smile back. It feels strange to smile, giving everything that just happened, but Harry can make you smile.

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